~ Who? What? Why? ~

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"What's begun?" L asked, but she spoke over him before he could respond. "And I'm not going anywhere with you, I don't even know you. You do have some serious issues you need to work on, though."

L couldn't believe he actually thought she'd trust him just like that.

"Those things are gone now, and I just won't go out at night on my own anymore... They can't be after me anyway, I'm always wandering around alone, and I've never seen anything like that before."

L was talking more to herself than the stranger now. She heard him sigh loudly. It sounded almost like he was bored, and L felt instantly agitated by him.

"You haven't seen them before because they haven't been able to find you until now. The same way I couldn't track you down until just recently... Your parents did a very good job hiding you from everyone and everything."

L's eyes widened at the mention of her parents, and her suspicions regarding this stranger were now fighting against her curiosity.

She moved around the headstone slightly and tried to keep her voice from wavering.

"You know my parents? Do they know where I am as well? Did they send you? Wait... no, that can't be. They left me a long time ago."

L wasn't sure if she actually believed him, but she was too eager at the mere possibility that he might know them that she had to hear him out. She'd never heard anyone hint or even mention any information about her parents before.

The stranger seemed to understand this because his smile and teasing manner evaporated.

"I don't know them personally, but I know of them, and their story - your story... I wasn't sent here by them, so I couldn't tell you if they know where you are. I'm sorry."

He did look and sound genuinely sorry, but L wasn't satisfied. She could tell there were things he wasn't telling her, and what did he mean by 'their story' exactly? She decided that if she wanted more answers, then she'd have to stick with this guy a bit longer. She could always run if things started to get out of hand.

L moved around to the front of the headstone and faced him directly. He was taller than she first realised, and his face was smooth, flawless. He had honey coloured eyes that were kind of slanted, his mouth kept tilting at the corners as though he found everything amusing. He had a prominent jaw line and cheek bones, which made his face look slim but not overly pointed. It looked like a kind face, but L knew very well that appearances could be deceiving.

"So what do you know about my parents? Who are they? What do those creatures have to do with anything? And speak fast because I'm seriously considering that I'm losing my marbles right now."

His smile came back instantly and stretched across most of his face. It made him look slightly unnatural in the glow of the streetlights. He punctured the image with a chuckle and shook his head.

"No, you're not losing your marbles, I assure you... but then again, I could be a figment of your imagination, I suppose. I don't think I could prove it to you entirely either, the Norms around here wouldn't be able to see me unless... WAIT! No, I know a better way that I can prove it."

L blinked in surprise when he shouted, but she was too full of questions to be stunned into silence.

"What's a Norm? And why wouldn't they be able to see you?"

"A Norm? Like, normal people? Ones who don't believe in anything outside the 'normal' ideas of what should be real and what should be fictional. There are so many extremist Norms around here, especially that bunch you've been living with. The little guy has potential to be better, but they'll brainwash it out of him."

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now