Chapter 1

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Snowkit opened her eyes. Her two brothers were curled up near her, but their mother was nowhere to be seen. Again. Snowkit had a feeling that she was out in the woods with Thornfur though. She was never around anyway. She didn't seem to love her kits at all. And none of the kits could get any information about their father out of her.

Snowkit yawned and stretched. Neither of her brothers moved. Sometimes they were mousebrains. But they were family. So Snowkit loved them anyway. At least until she became a real warrior. Then she would leave the clan forever.

"Wake up lazy pelts." Snowkit finally growled, pouncing on her brothers. Shadowkit's eyes blinked open, then he kicked Snowkit off of him and yawned.

"Wake me up later." Cloudkit grumbled.

"If you don't get up now, you'll miss seeing mom come back." Snowkit said. Shadowkit stood up and stretched, and Cloudkit opened his eyes.

"Why would we want to do that?" He asked.

"Because then we can find out what they were up to. Remember Shadowkit, you bet me a mouse that she wasn't with Thornfur." Snowkit reminded Shadowkit. He sighed and stood up. Cloudkit stood up as well. Then the three kits hurried out of the Waterclan nursery. The camp was empty, and the sun hadn't even risen yet. The sky was a pale pink though, so it would soon. Snowkit, Shadowkit, and Cloudkit sat in a line in front of the nursery.

"This is boring." Cloudkit complained.

"Then go back inside and go to sleep like the useless runt you are." Snowkit snapped. Cloudkit's fir bristled, but he didn't attack. He was, in fact, the runt of the litter. He was much smaller than his brother and sister, and looked even smaller because of his plain gray fur. Shadowkit was the biggest and scariest looking with his black fur, but Snowkit was the smartest, and her white fur was always neatly groomed. She also had a tear on her ear, which she liked to tell everyone she got from a fight with a fox.

"There they are!" Shadowkit said. All three pairs of eyes turned to the camp entrance. A brown tom and an orange she-cat walked into camp together. Both of them whispered to each other and smiled, walking with tails intertwined together.

"You owe me a mouse." Snowkit said triumphantly.

"Fine. You win." Shadowkit grumbled. The three kits stood and padded up to the she-cat.

"Mom, where have you been?" Cloudkit complained. The she-cat looked down at him.

"I was with Thornfur." She said passionately.

"Yeah. Keep your tiny little noses to yourselves kits." Thornfur snapped. Snowkit hissed.

"How about you three go get some prey? Then you can play mossball or something." The she-cat suggested.

"But mom..." The kits whined.

"Can it. Me and Sunglow want some time alone to talk." Thornfur growled. Then he and Sunglow walked away, still talking quietly to each other. The three kits, with nothing else to do, walked to the prey pile and chose a squirrel to share.

"Well, another day at Waterclan camp." Cloudkit sighed.

"At least today won't be a complete waste of time." Shadowkit pointed out.

"Why? What's so special about today?" Cloudkit asked.

"Today is our apprentice ceremony guys!" Snowkit said happily.

"Oh. Yay. We get to spend the rest of our lives obeying some other cat." Cloudkit muttered. A large black tom padded up behind the kits. He had scars all over, and his eyes gleamed dangerously.

"How are my favorite kits?" He asked in a low rumble.

"Great. Our apprentice ceremonies are today Jaggedstar! Have you already picked out our mentors?" Snowkit asked. Jaggedstar smiled slightly.

"Yes. I'm sure that you'll love them. I know that they'll do a great job mentoring you." Jaggedstar said. Then he padded away again, off to talk to some other cat. Jaggedstar had become leader after the old leader, Tangledstar, got infected by a rat and lost his last life. The new deputy was Fishfoot, a nice but forgetful cat. He liked to avoid fights when he could, which made him very different from Jaggedstar's 'kill first ask later' way of doing things.

"I sure hope I get a strong mentor! I want to learn all of the fighting moves so that I can be the strongest cat in the clan!" Shadowkit declared.

"I want a mentor that knows all of the secrets of the forest!" Snowkit said slyly.

"What about you Cloudkit?" Shadowkit asked.

"I don't care." Cloudkit mumbled.

"Lighten up! Our ceremonies are at sunhigh! Do you think mom remembered?" Shadowkit asked.

"Bet you another mouse that she didn't!" Snowkit said loudly, jumping to her feet.

"I bet you two mice that Thornfur'll claw our ears off if we bother them!" Shadowkit said back. Snowkit laughed and bounced away.

"What's life without a little danger?" She called. Shadowkit shot after her, and Cloudkit followed slowly behind.

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