Context: Adam has a magic backpack that when you stick your hand in it gives you what you need for the day. Enjoy!
Adam POV.
"How did this happen?" you ask. Ehh couldn't be bothered to explain but right now I was up against the one and only Satan yay. I had my bag with me and hadn't put my hand in it yet so I do what a normal person would if they had a magic bag, put my hand in and see what pops out. I pull out a.....Gun? Really? You know what fuck it. "ADAM WHERE IN GODS/SATANS NAME DID THAT COME FROM?" Oh yeah they're here too I guess. "Idk," I say as I load the thing "But somethings gonna happen". SHOOT FOR HIS EYES Yeah ok lets do that. I aim and.....BANG. "Wow so unexpected" I mention sarcastically,"AdAm" screamed who ever. It did sound like the vine though. Satan,at this point done with my shit just fucking leaves rambling about how he'd rather deal with holy water. "ADAM" was that my dad? I turn and....oh shit both my parents are standing there, looking terrified. "Hi" I try to say non-I-just-shot-Satan-like.
Word count:194
yeah this is it only because I have no motivation