Kurapika's Nightmares (LxK)

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Kurapika woke up with a cold sweat, yet another dream about his fallen clan. He dreamed about the eye stealers laughing as they puck the eyes from his friends and family, that cold distant laugh; he gulped with fear.
But this time it was different, very different. Usually when he would have this nightmare it was the routine to: wake up and go to sleep, but this time every time he closed his eyes he heard tears and yelling from his clan. He kept trying to fall back to sleep wrestling with his own mind, trying, hoping that the next time he closed his eyes it would be peaceful.
Kurapika's restlessness woke up Leorio. They were sleeping in the same room while Gon and Killua where sleeping in the other room.
"Stop moving so much." Leorio moaned.
"S-sorry." Kurapika's own voice betrayed him; he felt like balling into tears, the nightmare really shook him up this time. 
"Hey," Leorio wondered if he should ask whats wrong or just keep quiet, "...Are you,... well,... are you okay?"
"Fi-ine." A quiver in his voice broke his faked confidence.
"I heard you mumbling about your," Leorio didn't know weather to finish that thought. "...I just... Kurapika I just want you to know you aren't alone."
"But I am-" Kurapika was cut off.
"You have Gon, Killua, and me always by your side," He look a deep breath. "Hell you even might have Hisoka."
Kurapika smiled a bit. "I think I am okay now."
As his conscience drifted to sleep he heared this horriable screams and cries, 'How much you think this one worth?' 'Careful don't want em' going down in price.' Kurapika was whining feeling so indescribably weak, untill he felt something, the softness of a breath.
"Kurapika," Leorio was close to Kurapika his body pushed against his, they were currently sharing the same futon. "It's okay. Wake up."
Kurapika felt his eyes flutter open. He almost hated how someone else's words could make him feel so much better, he would rather his own voice be as soothing as Leorio's.
"I-I," Kurapika stuttered once again his own body betraying him, he told himself that he can't be weak. "I am fin-e."
"You don't seem okay, y'know," Leorio smiled. "You can be vulnerable around me y'know? I'm not gonna bit."
"It's just..." Kurapika's arm drifted ontop of his head covering his face as slow tears fell. "Every time I close my eyes I feel so weak. I know I am physically strong, I can fight. But emotionally I feel so weak, I feel like I just-"
Arms reached out, Leorio's arms wrapped around Kurapika's waist and upper body. "You aren't weak," Leorio felt Kurapika's arm shift so eyes could be seen. "You are one of the strongest people I know. Everyone has weakness's, everyone."
Kurapika's arms reached out to Leorio's chest as his tears stopped but a rather a calm smile.
Lerio pulled him in tight, "We can stay up as long as you want."
Kurapika smiled into his chest it felt nice knowing someone loved you. "Nah, right now I feel really safe."
Leorio felt if he said anything he would take away from the moment they just shared so instead of saying anything just pulled him in tighter.

"Shhh don't wake them!" Killua ordered.
But Gon's laughter only did the opposite.
"Hmm?" Kurapika slowly woke up.
Gon and Killua both hovering over Kurapika and Leorio. Once Kurapika realized their shared situation his face turned into a tomato. Leorio arms where all over Kurapika, his arms and legs tangled with Leorio.
Leorio still sleeping didn't wake as Kurapika slowly undid himself from the mess. After he untangled himself he walked out of the room to make breakfest, Gon and Killua close in pursuit. Gon went to make his own food but Killua stood eyeing Kurapika.
"What?" Kurapika asked.
"Nothing,  just you and Leorio seem to be doing well." Killua smiled and winked.
"Tch," but Kurapika couldn't say he wasn't happy. "I'll make yourself breakfest, just stop bugging me about it."
"Deal," Killua smirked and mumbled, "...for right now."

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