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Hey guys!!! I'm hungry for RP. Let's have a contest!!!! Who can come up with the best story? Give a plot and I'll add it to my RP book. We can start fresh with a new rp!!

Also. Hmm. Nothing exciting happens to me. Oh yeah, my iPod almost broke last night. It shut off and wouldn't turn on. It didn't give the 'needs to be charged' symbol and it was at 70% five mins b4. Luckily, my dad is really good at that tech stuff, so it's fixed. =_=

We also have a school play, INTO THE WOODS!! It's a great idea and I'm really excited. I'm just gonna to stage crew this year to try something new, but comment which character you would be!!!

=_= gotta go write three paragraphs and annotate 12 pages of crap. Byeeeeeee

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