Things That Anger Me

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Hey guys! How you doing? And today.... I have an idea!! So, I have listened to a few Q102 (yes, I know, I know) Topic Trains, and they just...UGHH!...they just hit me where it's like:

'And why have I not realized how annoying that is?'


'Oh my gosh I do that too!!'


'People can be really weird.'

Anyways! This idea inspired me (woo inspirational radio talk shows! 🎉) to do a thing where I say stuff that annoys me or something and you comment if you can relate or not. Or, I can list stuff and you tell me what's more annoying. I need a new name for what I'm doing! Gimme a name!! First good comment wins!

Another thing!

I have decided to start posting fanart (usually MC I have a creepy obsession with MC chibi...) on every chappie! Idk...I just really like the pic above...might make it my background pic...I really need one of those that's better...

Soo!!!! You like? Well, if you don't, I'm not sure why you have been reading this for so long. So back off stalkers!!!

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