07 - Edward makes an entrance

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Thomas rolled his eyes and grunted behind a smile. "Alright, but only if you let me hold your hand again."

 "Oh, a negotiator." Matt chuckled. "That's fine for me." He said as he held out his arm. 

 The shorter one took his arm, looking down at his own feet, and sometimes observing how Matt did it so he could do it just like him. 

 "Ah, see? You're doing good." Matt smiled down at him, only to see what looked like a little embarrassed smile, on a face that turned away so quickly. 

 It was just one of the things Matt was good at, some would say, a prodigy, some others, that he was gifted. For him, it was boring, the only reason as to why one would like to do something like that, was only because of his mother.

 It had become a habit between the two, to go skating after school, or on a weekend, the ginger, at most times, used to pretend he needed guidance, just so he could see his mother's patient and kind smile while she tried to teach him, and another proud one when she saw him try by himself.

 And now that he noticed, he caught himself smiling at Tom the same way his mother did to him, and it was even better because he finally had someone "worthy" to share that with. 

 He was lucky to have had someone like her, who didn't raise him as a spoiled little brat, seeing all the things he knew, and everything she taught him. Matt could have literally taken over the world if he wanted, but he chose to be a little, unknown, unnoticed part of it.

 Some would be hungry for that type of power, Matt on the other hand, is grateful for every little thing that he has.

 Now, back to the two of them, shall we?

 Somehow, at some point, Tom had gained a little confidence, he started a subject, which brought Matt to talk, and they joked around, and laughed, for about an hour, maybe more. In the background, some music that sounded muffled for the couple two, they were mostly distracted with each other's voices.

 So distracted that Thomas didn't even notice when his hand just slipped away from the ginger's arm, he didn't even notice that he went a little ahead, and did a full lap on his own. 

 He tried looking for that arm to hold, you should have seen the look on his face when he saw his skating partner wasn't there, but a little far away, with a little proud smile on his face which just helped adorn his shiny eyes.


 "Looks like you have got some talent!" Matt said in a sing-song tone.

 The other one chuckled, his cheeks rosy with the compliment. "Aw, shush. It was nothing."

 But now that he noticed, that was sure a strange thing to happen, how could he have succeeded so quickly? Well, that really didn't matter now, he was truly happy about that. 

 "Stop with the modesty, little man," Matt went closer to Tom. "I know you enough to also know that you wouldn't catch up on things so fastly like that."

 "Was that supposed to be a compliment?"


 "You don't have to answer that.". He went back, closer to the ginger with his hands in his pockets, since now he looked to have gained balance. "We could do a few more laps."

 Matt arched an eyebrow with a grin. "Oh, so now you want to, huh?"

 "Well, it's not like I'm enjoying any of it anyway, pff." He looked away. It was obvious, he was loving it. "Besides, you don't look like you're finished with the place, and that looks like something you like to do, so it wouldn't hurt to stay."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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