Chapter 32

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Léda and Raiden were left alone with the body, the terrible iron smell of blood that burnt her throat and made her want to hurl. Everything was strange. This wasn't the first time Léda had had to face death and yet... This was so different from what she'd experienced when that first night when Raiden had crashed her life and the skull of the Maeror, all she could think about had been getting away from the scene – after handing a punch out, maybe. Looking back at it, Léda wasn't even sure it actually downed in her brain that someone had died.

This was entirely different though. She knew – had known Dubicki. In spite of always being annoyed and frustrated with the Magister's demands, Léda felt it in her guts she hadn't actually been a bad person. Her gaze fell on her hands and she heaved upon seeing her skin coloured by Dubicki's blood.

Raiden cradled her head, holding her tight against his chest and she closed her eyes.

"Just breath, find your centre, Star Eyes," he murmured quietly, rocking her slowly in his lap. She tried, god knows, she tried. Her breathing was heavy and she could almost hear nothing else but that horrible panting coming from her like she was suffocating. But then as he pulled her to his chest, there was the steady rhythm of his heart and she tried to concentrate on that – so solid, so peaceful, so calm. Without realizing, her breathing slowly turned regular as she just listened to the steady rhythm beating in his chest.

"What happened?" Someone demanded but Léda had no strength to turn around and check who it was. Based on the voice – that somehow sounded strangely distant – it was Volkov.

"She's in shock. I found her here, doing CPR. It was too late," Raiden explained but her brain barely processed the words. She inhaled his scent, her hands clutching his shirt like he was her life line. The centre must be unwavering and he was that, never pushed off balance, never failing, never backing down.

Léda heard them talking more but it was just distant gibberish for her. She couldn't even tell how long they were there, on the ground with Raiden holding her while talking above her head. A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over her and she felt like she was going to fall asleep right there, right then.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Raiden said softly, taking her in his arms and standing with ease."

"I ruined your T-shirt," she mumbled when she saw blood stains on the white fabric. Her mouth and throat were so dry, her voice sounded weirdly hoarse.

"I have more. Don't worry about it." He sighed lightly, walking through the halls with her in his arms like it was the most natural act in the world. Léda knew there were people around, she felt their eyes on her. However, she had no energy to care. At least they had something less tragic to gossip about than the death of Dubicki.

"Can you stand?" Raiden asked when he walked into her aedis, and headed straight to the bathroom. His gaze searched her face and Léda nodded, even though she wasn't certain herself if she could. "All right. Just easy." He instructed, slowly putting her down. Her feet touched the floor and she reached for the sink to hold onto. Her gaze lifted to the mirror and her eyes widened. She could only stare at her own reflection for long moment. Her usually bright blue eyes seemed blunt, bloodshot, her tan skin pale as if she hadn't seen the sun in a decade, her hair was a complete mess, the fading red locks among her walnut ones now reminded her of blood, as well. "Are you going to be sick?" Raiden watched her in the mirror, concern deepening the lines on his face.

"If I hadn't thrown up when my fingers slipped into the hole in her head, I'm not going to now," she said quietly, taking deep breaths and exhaling loudly. He opened the tap, taking her hands and holding them under the cold water, rubbing her wrists. The nausea was getting better and she was thankful for his quiet care. Pushing some soap into his palm, his fingers brushed over hers, cleaning her blood stained hands like she was a child. "Have you seen her eyes?" Their gaze met in the mirror. Léda couldn't erase the look on Dubicki's face from her mind. "She was terrified."

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