Words of Wisdom

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"Internet fights are cheap. Silence is my form of rebellion in this world full of cheap idols. I'm gonna break the norms. Spread class."

"Surpassing myself. Because I am my own rival."

"To stop a chain, you must be an example, a catalyst for the change you want to see."

"People choose who/what they want. If you weren't chosen, you're not who/what they wanted. Chew. Don't spit. Swallow it."

"Hope until the world is tired of your optimism."

"When you give your efforts freely only to be insulted by people who feel so entitled and important."

"I'm not in Wattpad to submit to the needs of the people around. I'm there to write. You don't know me. You only know my stories."

"People will always try to bring you down. In any way possible. Just to lift their self up."

"People only want to hear your comment when it's the same with theirs."

"It scares me that you never know what someone is thinking or feeling. Everything they say could be a massive lie."

"Always remember, respect and tact can save lives."

"Real achievement is measured by the amount of people who believes in you. I just couldn't thank you enough, JSL."

"Strive for beauty that can be felt, not just seen."

"Make love, not war."

"After thinking about yourself, think also of other people. Put yourself on their shoes before we finally settle and post our golden and well thought opinion."

"You stopped living your life the day you let the opinions of others get through you. So r.i.p. if you let if affect you."

"Be proud of failures. Keep quiet when you succeed."

"Make art and don't shove it in people's mouth."

"You need to do extraordinary things if you want extraordinary happiness."

"Don't let romantic love be the only love you strive for."

"If we fall, may we fall for the right reason. If we fail, may we fail with honor."

"For all the things you've lost, you will gain something else."

"Two different arts and should never be compared."

"To love is my fuel. To live is my passion. To write is my calling. You are my goal."

"Always remember that there are no rivalries for me. The only rival I have is myself."

"How do you know if the art is good? If you used great materials, all the lines were straight, all colors were used accordingly? Or if it made you feel something."

"Words capture the mind. Actions, the heart."

"I realized that art is achieved through truth and mystery. Too much truth has no challenge. Too much mystery is tiring. But with a little of both is art."

"I have learned that people who truly believe in you will stay no matter what. They are the ones worth keeping. Live for them."

"People notice everything that's wrong and will never admit all the right things."

"We are all flawed. Who will hear your voices if everyone talks? Why should you forcefully change the mindsets of others if you can just live as an inspiration and wait till they realize everything? We are flawed because we have our free will. And it's such a beautiful imperfection. If you'd only see."

"If you like it, go for it. If you hate it, ignore it. It's simple. I don't know why people spend so much time thinking about what they hate."

"I realized that success isn't measured through the paychecks you receive or your rank in your job or the degrees you earned or the awards you obtained, rather it is measured through the number of people you inspired. I'm glad I'm on the right track."

"You don't age with time. You age because of your experiences. The quality of your experiences to be exact."

"Unity does not mean sameness. It means oneness."

"Study not only to understand but also to transcend."

"We can never achieve peace when we're not at peace within ourselves."

"Rest if you must, but always come back with a better perspective."

"You are amazing. I am saying that because I want to let you all know that I appreciate you."

"May you all realize that darkness is not the end, but only part of the process called life. So... carry on. No matter how hard it is."

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