Chapter 1: The Betrayal, Reunion, Invitation

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Disclaimer: I Don't Own Pokemon

Speech = Normal Text
Pokemon Speech = Normal Text
Thought = (Normal Text)
Aura/Telepathy = 'Normal Text'
Author Notes = Bold Letters

There Was a 27 year old man on the road to where ever fate may take him with his most loyal Pokemon by his side. To the man's left is a Bipedal Dark Blue Ninja Frog Like Creature with light blue shurikens on his upper legs on his side's (A/N: I Suck At Describing Things Ok Please Just Bare With Me. Also I Do know I can say thighs but to me that sounds like I'm writing a lemon For Some Reason and that's the last thing I want to think of myself doing ok?) With a beige underbelly. A pink scarf like object is around it's head when in reality it's actually it's tounge ( A/N: I Shit You Not People That Is His Actual Tounge Why? IDK) While At The Top of the creatures head are long ear-like protrusions while it is connected to a smaller horn like structure at the top of his head. This creatures name is Greninja. But this Greninja was not just any ordinary Greninja, this is the same Greninja that the 27 year old man helped save Kalos 10 years ago (A/N: I Think Ash Would Be 17 in the anime if he did age when he went to Galar so pretend he's 17 when he got betrayed ok.) So this Greninja has a red star shaped horn on it's head with black spiky-ish hair at the side of it's eyes with a giant Water Shiruken On Its Back. Greninja looked on to where his arms, legs, and underbelly are and he sees them covered in scares (A/N: This Was Heavily Inspired From Betrayed Monster By Joshzombie74. go give it a read trust me you will love it also Josh if your reading please update that again it was amazing) From small, unnoticeable cuts to big gashes that would scare the living daylights out of most tough looking Pokemon like Tyranitar and Garchomp. Greninja then looked up at the man who has helped them both over the years from the start of their journeys all the way up to now. The 27 year old man was wearing all black from his T-shirt and Hoodie He Wore Over The T-Shirt To The Shorts He Always Had On (A/N: Decided to change it to shorts cause I feel like you see The Betrayed wear to many sweat jeans in these types of storys) revealing the scars he had on his hairless Legs. He also has a necklace that can hold up a full team of 6 Pokemon but only 3 pokeballs were attached to it indicating the man only had 3 Pokemon and a watch of some sort.

Whenever he would pass by people the people would look at him like he was either crazy for cutting himself or gave him a look of pity and worry for having to go through whatever he had to go through in order to get those types of scars (A/N: Just Imagine He Has Greninja's Scares but x5 Worse just to give you an idea) It looked so bad that a little bit of the man's flesh was gone. To Say that the man went through hell and back would be an understatement to say the least. The man looked at the road and decided to take a break to feed and train with his only loyal Pokemon Friend/Family He Had Left after THAT DAY besides a certain Professor. He looked at Greninja and asked him this.

???: Do you want to take a break for now to train and have lunch or would you like to keep traveling the road to wherever fate may take us?

The Pokemon in question looked at him and just before he could say what he wanted to say his stomach started growling giving him a blush from embarrassment. When he was done blushing the man let out a small, quiet chuckle letting the man know what he was going to say.

???: So I guess that answers that huh, Greninja?

Greninja nodded saying yes and then they decide to walk to the grassy biome that was nearby. The man took off his backpack that was slouching on his shoulder and placed it on the ground. He then took out the tools he needed to make his pokemon the nutritious, healthy food he needed and started cooking while Greninja practiced the new technique his trainer made up for him. Sure he was hungry but that didn't stop him from practicing before and he wasn't gonna stop now, not after his friend/trainer has done for him and has went through. Once the man was done he gave him the food along with a side of a half and half of light blue and deep blue pokepuff. (Half Light Blue to power Greninja up and half deep blue to power up his water attacks) He happily accepted them and he started eating while the man only ate an apple. Greninja knew he didn't know how to cook during his journeys though each region but ever since those tragic days has past he knew he had to start cooking eventually or else he and Greninja would die of starvation. When he first started cooking he knew Greninja didn't like it and he couldn't blame him since that was his first time cooking for either himself or his pokemon. So he went into town and bought a cook book from a S-Class Connoisseur (A/N: Not Cilan Just Assume Its Jude From The PAL Chronicles) and at first he didn't understand any of it but he started with the basic recipes first and slowly but surely he was able to learn all of the world's best recipes just because of that book. As for the man he lost his big appetite when he lost most of his sanity all those years ago. After the man was done with his apple he went to go meditate while his Greninja looked at the man with pity and sorrow.

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