part 2 of 4

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I was tagged by panicking_maddy - thanks again, fren!

I was tagged by panicking_maddy - thanks again, fren!

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1. Do you have a crush?


2. What's your middle name?

My saint name is Cecilia (patron saint of music)

3. What's your height?

Around 5ft/150cm I think

4. Eye colour

Dark brown

5. Last time you cried

Uhh probably a week or two ago I have a bad memory

6. Biggest fear

Being lonely for the rest of my life

7. Last song you listened to?

Either 'Small Cuts' by The Brobecks (what I chose to listen to) or some radio song idk

8. Last person you texted

My fren irl

9. Favourite app

Probably Spotify (everything else I use such as WattPad, Pinterest and YouTube are all the website version)

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