the ceramic hedgehog called viola

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I got tagged by panicking_maddy - thanks fren! :D

Update: I also got tagged by toxic_glitch54 - thank you fren! :D

Update: I also got tagged by toxic_glitch54 - thank you fren! :D

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1. Do you care about what people think about you?


2. Do you have a middle name and if so, what is it?

Yes but I'd rather not say. However, my confirmation name (I'm not religious at all) is Cecilia (after the patron saint of music)

3. Favourite sport?

I don't like sport that much but I used to enjoy playing netball and I don't mind watching AFL

4. Best friend?

alliewayy (Allie) is my best fren and also my twin

5. Someone you can't live without?


6. Favourite nickname?

Nico (online)

Maddie (in real life)

7. Cute or sexy?

Cute I guess?

8. Have you ever been asked out?


9. What are your pronouns?

She/her or they/them

10. Do you believe in true love?

Yea I guess

11. Top three pet peeves?

People not accepting others for who they really are/who also make fun of them

People walking slowly when I'm in a rush (even though I do that sometimes)

Skipping a song/piece halfway through it

12. Do you consider yourself emotional?

Not really - I have been told I am emotionless

13. Word/phrase you say most often?

'I don't know'


14. Pic of yourself?

No, sorry

But here, have this picture of Nico the plushie octopus sitting in a ceramic planter hedgehog thing called Viola (Viola has a smaller ceramic hedgehog fren called James)

But here, have this picture of Nico the plushie octopus sitting in a ceramic planter hedgehog thing called Viola (Viola has a smaller ceramic hedgehog fren called James)

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15. Any siblings?

Yea - Allie is my twin

16. Hobbies



Playing violin/learning bass

Listening to music

17. Role model?

Honestly, I don't know

18. Best person you know personally?


19. Crush?


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