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"Mother, what are you doing here?" Ciel asked, shocked as he looked at her.

"Can I not visit my sons anymore" she asked with a snarky tone.

"Of course you can but-" he replied. He stepped past her and went inside the penthouse, after placing Akira on the couch and repeatedly telling her to stay. After a minute she sat with a pout.

"Well are you going to tell me who's that... I'd never thought you'd associate yourself with her kind" she distastefully said as she looked at Akira with disgust.

"What?!" Ciel asked, "What do you mean of her kind?" Ciel asked annoyingly.

"You know, it's obviously she's beneath us in class and col-"

"Mother if you finish what you are about to say you'll only get me angry" Ciel seethe through his teeth.

Mrs Chadwick gasp at the Ciel, she never saw her son like this before the look he gave her made her flinch. "I was simply stating the facts son"

"Mother get out, get the fuck out, I'm honestly so annoyed right now and seeing you will piss me off, so what if she's black so what?! She's beautiful I love her" Ciel barked.

Mrs Chadwick gasp at the tone of his voice, she stretched out her hand to touch him but he stepped back not allowing her to touch him. "Ciel why are you like this? I can't allow this it's that jezebel isn't it she's changed my sweet baby boy" she wailed, as a tear fell from her eyes.

If theres anything Ciel hated, one if them was seeing his mother cry, he never normally see her cry, except that one time he fell from the counter, when he was younger, it pained his heart to see such sorrow on her face. "Mother please stop crying, Akira did nothing" He said softly.

"You were never like this,I should have not let you go lives on your own" she wailed. "Come back home won't you my baby."

"Mother no, I dont want to" Ciel said.

"You cannot be with her son, what can she bring to the table but her plate?"


"Mother please stop you don't even know her I hate this, stop judging her, shouldn't you be happy that I find someone I truly treasures" He argued.

Mrs Chadwick sigh then shook her head, "Fine I'll try to support you" she put on a fake smile.

Akira sat on the couch lookin at the two of them, she was oblivious to what was happening due to her state. She felt a pang in her head and held it as she groaned.

"Mother I know about the vitamins." Ciel let out. Mes Chadwick froze at that. Her heart rate increased. "Excuse me?" She let out.

"Mother the pills you gave me what are they and please do not lie to me, I dont want to get angry at you."

"It's merely vitamins-"

"MOTHER STOP LYING!" He cut her off.

Akira and Mrs Chadwick both jumped at the loud tone of his voice. Mrs Chadwick looked away.

"Mother I know theres something wrong with me, sometimes I dont remember certain events that happens to me, but I dream of fragments of that memory." Ciel said lowly.

"I think we should talk about this at home" Mrs Chadwick said sadly. "Tomorrow evening come to the house I'll tell you everything."

After a few more words were exchanged Mrs Chadwick left. Ciel went over to the couch and sat beside Akira, he let out a groan and leaned his head back and covered his face with his hands.

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