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Akira groaned as she held her head and sat up in the bed. She was having an ear-splitting headache.

"Are you okay love?" Ciel asked as he brought in some oatmeal porridge on a small tray.

Should I tell her about the pills? he thought as he watches as she drags her body off the bed and into the bathroom.

He places the tray on the coffee table. He heard the shower turned on. He sat on the bed and laid down. He couldn't help but think about what his mother was hiding. Is there something wrong with me? He thought so many questions were running through his head.

"Are you okay?"

"I have to go home today" Ciel replied.

"Oh, what time?" She asked.

"Will you miss me?" He smirked, wrapping his hands around her waist embracing her tightly.

"Who said anything about missing you," Akira said.

"Oh wow, that's harsh Kira" Ciel pouted, "I'll be leaving In a few shall we go somewhere later?"

" Yeah, I leave work at 4 pm, today's my first interning at Moriyama Corp."

"Nervous? don't be you'll do fine, I mean look at you you're intelligent, beautiful and diligent, you'll be fine" Ciel praised.

"Thank you" she replied smiling, "Okay now can you unhand me I have to get ready"

"Ciel I barely remember what happened yesterday after the restaurant and I didn't even drink I might have to go to the doctor this weekend," she said

"It's the vitamins you took, my pills" Ciel confessed.

"Wait what- Vitamins don't let your memories all jumbled up sir" Akira argued.

"My mother was here last night"

"Wait what- WHAT THE FUCK" Akira tensed up. "Hold the fuck up so you're telling me I took some vitamins, and I met your mother why can't I remember this, oh my lord did I embarrass myself argh" she rambled.

"Calm down Akira, apparently the vitamins aren't vitamins, that's why I'm going home today mother said that she'll tell me everything today."

"Oh-" Akira stopped. She pulled back and picked out a pencil skirt and a blouse. "Well update me on everything when you get the full 100 what do you think she's hiding from you?"

"I have no idea, maybe there's something wrong with me, but I don't understand why she didn't just tell me why be sneaky with it, better yet never mind I know why she probably was worrying about appearance," Ciel replied and facepalmed.

"What you have some type of disease?" She joked as she got dressed.

"Really? Akira too soon" He replied as he chuckled.

"Oop sorry but for-real thought, don't worry too much if you do have some type of disease it's not like I'll leave you for a disease-free hot man" She mocked.

He threw the pillow at her head, and she busted out laughing. "Hey, hey daddy chill no need to get passive-aggressive"

"Okay so I have to leave now," she said as she slips on her small hand watch. "Wish me louk, text me if you need me okay" She walked over to him wrapping her arms around his neck. He rests his face into her neck.

"You smell good" he murmured, he licked her neck and she retracted.

"No no, it's my first day at work no marks" she waved her finger at him.

"How will I let other guys know you're taken then." He pouted.

Akira laughed as she shook her head. ''If anyone approaches me to flirt I'll simply state that I sir have already been spoken for'' She said.

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