Behind the bush - Binsung

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Third person POV

Changbin is on his way home from his studio. On his way home, he decided to take a walk at the park. After the walk, he sits on a bench to rest. Suddenly he heard sobs coming behind a nearby bush. He slowly approaching the bush to see someone is crying.

Changbin's POV

I see an injured boy crying behind the bush. "Excuse me, are you okay? " I asked. The boy flinched hearing my voice. He looks so scared. "D-don't h-hurt me p-please... " He whimpered. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm Changbin, if you allow me, let me bring you to my house and I will treat your wounds, " I said softly.

Jisung's POV

I hesitate but he looks like a good person. "O-okay, " He looks at me and asked "Can you walk? " I try to stand up but I can't. "Let me carry you, " He shows his back to me and I just climb onto his back.

Time skip to Changbin's house.

Changbin's POV

While treating his wounds I ask him "What is your name? " "H-han J-jisung, " "Such a pretty name, " I saw his face blushes and I ask him again "Why are you injured and crying behind the bush? " He looks hesitate. "You don't h-" "My father" he said. I look at him at told him to continue. "My father is abusive and today he said that he sold me to a gang for his drugs. At first I was so pissed and I started to yell at him so he beat me up. I decided to run away and now I realized that I don't have anywhere to go, " he said. "It's okay. You can stay here as long as you want, " "B-but-" "No buts! I will not let a cute boy like you wonder around with no destination, " I said as I pet his head. He blushes. Cute. Maybe my life will be happier after this.

Three months later

Jisung's POV

"Binnie~, " I whine to Changbin.He ignored me and continue to do his works. I want his attention and then an idea came across my mind. "Master~ play with me~" He look at me and say "Don't test my patience baby boy, " He looks at me and smirk. You guys must be curious about our relationship now. Well now we are boyfriends. He confessed to me two months ago. I realized that I have feeling for him and I confessed too. I went to his lap and kiss him. It's so passionate and soft. "I love you Binnie, " "I love you too my love, "

" I'm glad I'm hiding behind that bush "


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