Sugar daddy - Jilix

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Author's POV

Felix is poor. Well not actually poor, it's just his mother is a single mother. She needs to take care of him and his two other brother. As the first child, he needs to help his mother. Luckily he got a scholarship in his college. He tried to work at a cafe, a grocery store and much more. But after that, he didn't have any time to study so Hyunjin is gonna help him.

Felix's POV

Where the fuck is Hyunjin?! He said he wants to talk. If he didn't show up I will be late for my work. "Felix!" Finally he came. "What do you want Hyunjin? I'm gonna be late for work!" I told him. "Relax bro. I'm just gonna recommend you an easier way to make money than working like this" He said. "Okay... I'm listening" "How about you become a sugar baby?" "What?!" I yelled. Some people are looking at us. "I'm sorry for yelling just now..." I apologized. "Are you crazy?! I'm not gonna sell my body just for money!" This guy is crazy. "Just give it a try Felix. You're cute and I'm guarantee everybody wants you" "What if my sugar daddy is an old man or some creepy guy? Wait- where did you got this idea?" "I have one myself. He is hella handsome, rich and he is only 22!" My eyes widen when he said that. "How did you got such a young sugar daddy?" "You can pick if you want that person as your sugar daddy or not. If they catfish you, you can report them" "Okay I'll give it try but now I still need to go to work. Bye, see you tomorrow"

A magical time skip by me!
At the grocery store

Should I really try it? Well give it a shot won't hurt.

Jisung's POV

"But mum-" "Honey you don't have any choice. Find a boyfriend/girlfriend and bring them to our family dinner next week. You don't want to marry Sofea right?" "No..." "I just give you this idea because you don't like Sofea. I don't like her too. Think about it honey" I nodded when my mum get up and leave my room. How should I find a partner in a week?! Well I'm gay, so a boyfriend I guess. Think Han Jisung! Wait- I'm rich and everyone needs money. I should just search for a sugar baby and told them to act to be my lover! You're a genius Han! Let's see... Lee Felix... Nice freckles. I should try and text him

Bold - Jisung
Italic - Felix


Hey, wanna make a deal?

Felix's POV

Ding! Someone texted me? Oh it's from the sugar daddy website. A deal?

A deal? What deal?

Can we meet up and talk about the deal?

From the look of his profile pic, he looks too cute to become a sugar daddy. What if he is a catfish? Well I can just report him.

Sure. Where do you want to meet up?

Tomorrow, 2pm at the xxxx cafe


I guess I have to meet up with him tomorrow.

Time skip because I'm lazy

I walked inside the cafe and looked around. He is not here yet. I sit down on one of the table and wait for him. I heard the cafe bell ring and saw the guy. He looked at me and walk to me. "Lee Felix right?" "Y-yes... T-take a sit" "Thanks" "So you seriously want to be my sugar daddy?" "Don't worry I will never touch you without your consent. I just need you to pretend to be my boyfriend. I'll pay you $100 000 a month. Is that enough?" Enough?! That's more than enough! "U-until?" "As long as it take" "When will we start?" "Next week. I need to bring you to my family dinner" "F-family dinner?" "Yes... Actually I need your help because..." He told me about why he needs a lover. "By the way... How old are you?" I asked. "I'm 20" "20?!" Why? Am I too old?" He joked. "N-no you're not old. It's just you're the same age as me" "That's great! I can make up a story a lot easier now"

Next week
Jisung's POV

I'm in front of Felix's house waiting for him. I saw him walking out blushing. He look so cute! I opened my car door to let him in. "Why are you blushing?" "M-my mum asked me who is waiting in front of our house with an expensive car" "So what did you say?" "I said you are my boyfriend..." "I'm really looking forward to be your boyfriend" I teased him. "S-shut up" I chuckled. He is so cute. "We're here" "Wow your house is so big!" "I know. Come on let's go inside" We went inside and greeted by my mum. "Ohhh honey~ who is this young boy?" My mum asked. "This is Felix. My boyfriend" "Nice to meet you sweetheart" "Nice to meet you too" Said Felix. "Come inside boys" My mum said. I held Felix's hand and walk inside. I saw my father and Sofea sitting at the dining table. "Who is this Jisung?" My father asked. "Felix. My Boyfriend" Sofea eyes widen. "Oh you have a boyfriend son? I don't know about that. I invited Sofea to discuss about the engagement but you have a boyfriend so Sofea we'll cancel this engagement" "You can still stay for dinner Sofea" I said while smirking. "B-but he is gay! It's not good for the company's reputation!" "You better calm down young lady! My son happiness is much more important!"

Well guys sorry again for not posting. This story we'll have a part two

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