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Hello guys, so this introduction has to be quick because I need to get going to the Hogwarts Express. So, my name is Natasha Maximoff, and I'm 14 years old. My mother is Wanda Maximoff AKA Scarlet Witch. I don't know who is my biological father is, but he was apparently a wizard or something. Oh, and you're probably wondering why is a supernatural going to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizarding. It's a long story, but to make it short. When my mother and the avengers were fighting Thanos, he kind of destroyed half of all life in the universe, including my mother. I tried to help to fight with them since I inherited the same supernatural powers my mother had, but she wouldn't let me help. She said and I quote-unquote "Too dangerous and he is very powerful" and I mean it's that ugly purple dude was powerful, which I hate to admit. Plus, I apparently, inherited some of my father's magic abilities, but I didn't know how to use them. My mother taught me how to manipulate objects, use telekinesis, and use telepathy. While many humans were turning into ash, I was pushed back in time to 1993 and surprisingly I was in The Wizarding World. When I got to The Wizarding World, I was brought to a foster home and lived there for two months until I got an acceptance letter. Then this giant blew up my room and brought me to get supplies at this place called Diagon Alley. When I got my acceptance letter I started in my third year which was chaotic. Apparently, this boy named Harry Potter is a famous wizard and is trying to be killed by "Lord Voldemort" he's like the Thanos in this universe, but way uglier. Anyways this is my second year attending Hogwarts and I'm in the fourth year now. Last year when I got here I soon discovered that magic was required with wands and there were some verbal spells. The spells I learned from my mother did work surprisingly, but I decided to keep it a secret. I'm advanced with the telekinesis and using telepathic, but terrible at using magic with a wand. Last year was filled with a ton of embarrassment. I honestly don't know why I was accepted to a wizarding school if I was shi-.


"Come downstairs. NOW!" she was Natasha's least favorite helpers her, and she had an annoying British accent. Natasha started to walk down the stairs.

"Yes, hello. What do you want." she frowned at her when she got the bottom of the steps.

"You will leave, now!" She yelled at me and Natasha rolled my eyes. Natasha could throw any objects or kill her whenever she wants, but Natasha decided to suck it up and ignore it.

"Okay, ma'am." She said sarcastically and bowed.

"I never liked you." She whispered in Natasha's ear. Natasha's got frustrated with the women and used her telekinesis powers to lift up the piano in the living room.

"Why is your hand turning red?! Oh, dear! Your eyes are turning red!" She yelled at her while Natasha started to levitate.

"Well, I never like you either!" She lifted a piano up and knocked her over, the caretaker went unconscious, Natasha figured that she might remember this, so she decided to erase her memory. She left the house and headed to the train station.

"Hello, darling!" This was Natasha's best friend, she's muggle which is a non-magic folk. Her name is Emily, and they have been friends since Natasha got here. She was the only one who knew her secret, but Emily didn't know she was attending Hogwarts.

"Oh gosh," Natasha ran up and hugged her, "I've missed you, but I can't catch up. I will miss the train. I'll send letters to you!" she released and ran.


Okay back to explaining about me, so I have a couple of friends. Like Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Emily who is not a witch. Oh! Did I mention I'm in Gryffindor and we're enemies with Malfoy and Parkinson. I hate Parkinson, she is totally a bitch and I have to use telepathy powers to mess with her mind. I haven't told the golden trio about my powers, the golden trio is Ron, Hermione, and Harry. They have been best friends since the first year at Hogwarts, wow I know. I ran through the wall and hopped on the train. I walked past many compartments before seeing the trio together.

"Hi, guys!" I walked in and sat by Hermione.

"Hello, Natasha." Harry smiled at me.

"What are you reading, Hermione?" I looked over and she put the newspaper away.

"The Daily Prophet, it's about the Death Eaters and what happened at the Quidditch World Cup. Oh, I forgot you don't know what Quidditch is." Hermione reopened the paper. Death Eaters are followers to Lord Voldemort, they don't actually eat people...well I think they don't.

"It's hurting again, isn't it?" Hermione asked Harry who was scratching his scar, apparently, it's LegEnDaRy. I was worried about my mother and the avengers than a bold-ugly-no-nose-freak who was obsessed with a 14-year-old boy. How are they supposed to defeat Thanos, and how the hell am I supposed to return back to my universe. I'm all the way in London.

The rest of the train ride was me either sleeping, talking to Harry or Hermione, or just staring out the window. Harry was writing to his God Father who was appeared to be a murderer, strange I know.

When we arrived at the Hogwarts Castle there were flying horses that were pulling a carriage. The trio and I ran to where everyone was.

"Well, there's something you don't see every day." Either Fred or George commented I can't really tell them apart. Then we saw a ship coming out of the water, it was huge! I bumped into Draco who called me a "filthy mudblood" I wanted to hex him, but since I'm not good with wand magic. I would rather just smash a couple of rocks on top of him.

When we arrived at the Great Hall I sat by Harry, if I'm being honest I kind of had a crush on Harry last year, but I don't anymore.... well I don't think I do. Dumbledore was announcing something when Mr. Filch was running into the hall.

"What was that about?" I asked the trio and they just shrugged. Dumbledore was announcing that Hogwarts was going to host an event called the Triwizard Tournament, and warned us that it was extremely dangerous.

I now introduce the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime!" He gestured to the Great Hall doors, and the doors opened. Many of them were wearing a blue uniform and hat. All of the ladies, made the boys stare in awe. 

"Now our friends from the south. Please greet the proud sons of Drumstrang, and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff" Dumbledore declared. Many young men came into the Great Hall hitting their canes and flipping making everyone clap.

We all sat down and grabbing food from the table, I took mashed potatoes, chicken, and some cake. I talked with Hermione who was talking about our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, I didn't really care about any of the classes. I know that I would return back home and hopefully the Avengers defeat Thanos. One main reason I hate him is that he killed my father, Vision, well technically my step-father.

After the feast was over we returned to the Gryffindor common room, and the trio, Ginny and I sat by the fire and chatted. Ginny and I haven't been close to each other, but I didn't hate her even though I knew Ginny liked Harry. I practice my powers whenever I can, I usually do it in the common room when everyone is in bed. I'm teaching myself how to enter someone's dreams and to manipulate someone's emotions, I've found all of this information in the library. I usually enter Ginny's dreams, and most of them are with Harry. I wasn't surprised at all, but one time I entered Hermione's dream and saw Ron and her together. I know the basic and advanced levels and learning the master level. All though, tonight I decided to skip my lessons and head up to bed.

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