Beginning of Fifth Year

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Okay, a recap of what happened this summer. First arrived at my foster home and almost blew up the house, but I did destroy everything in my room. Then, I hung out with Emily, went swimming, parties with her friends from school, and meet a cute guy. We have stayed in touch and we hung out a couple of times. Then about a week and some days later I went to the Weasley's house and usually just played some wizard chess with Ron, who won every time. Hermione came a few days after I did, so Hermione, Ginny, and I hung out, read, talked not much honestly. I spent my 15th birthday with Hermione and the Weasley's, that was the best birthday I had since being with my mother. At the end of the summer, Mrs. Weasley brought everyone to The Order's headquarters, which I found out was where Sirius Black's family home was located.

"So, we can't tell Harry anything?" I whispered to Ron and Hermione, they both nodded. The door opened and I saw Harry. Hermione hugged Harry making him jump a little.

"We've heard about the Dementor attack, are you, all right?" Hermione asked him and she said some other things. I was too busy reading a book when Fred and George appeared.

"AH! Don't scare me like that!" I hit both of them on the heads.

"When you're done shouting, do you want to hear something interesting?" Fred and George whispered to us four. They took out a magical ear thingy, and they lowered the ear that was on a string to the door. We overheard them talking about Harry, then Hermione's cat started to play with the ear.

"Get off." Ron whispered yelled, the cat stole the ear and went downstairs.

"Hermione, I hate your cat." Ron and I laughed. We headed down for the stairs to the kitchen, and the twins scared Mrs. Weasley.

We all sat down and started to eat, one of the members of the order handed Harry the newspaper. It read "The Boy Who Lies" and had a picture of Harry on the front. Harry started to argue with Sirius, and we were all sent up to bed.

"Hermione, Ginny. What do you think Lord Voldemort is after?" They both shrugged.

"I heard that he's going with my father to the Ministry tomorrow," Ginny informed us.

We said goodnight and fell asleep.

The next day, in the afternoon we headed to the train to Hogwarts. I haven't seen Harry since last night. Hermione, Ron, and I got into a compartment and sat down.

"Where's Harry." Just as I asked that Harry walked in the compartment. The train ride was very silent.

"Can I try something on Harry?" I asked Hermione and Ron who looked at me confused.

"Depends, what is it?" Ron asked me.

"Isn't it obvious, she wants to enter Harry's mind. To see what he's thinking." Wow, Hermione is good, I wouldn't figure that out with the question I asked them. I nodded. I entered his mind, I saw him walking to the train station and saw Voldemort standing in front of him, and then Harry woke up. Pushing me out of his dream.

"What?" Hermione and Ron were staring at him, then at me.

"What happened to Natasha?" Harry asked, "I don't know" Hermione replied. I whispered what I saw in his dream to Hermione and Ron, they seemed pretty shocked. We got off the train and started to walk.

"I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk free, Potter. Better enjoy it while you can, I except there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." Malfoy snickered. Harry tried to attack Malfoy, but Ron held him back.

"Should I like.... hit him with multiple rocks or make him feel pain. You know I can do that right?" They looked at me and shook their heads.

"It's only Malfoy, what do you expect," Ron told us. We walked to the carriage and meet Luna Lovegood. We entered the Great Hall and Dumbledore announced the new teacher, Dolores Umbridge. Everything she was wearing was pink, she destroyed the color for me.

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