(Main Characters OC's)

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Group Name~ Wild Hybrids

Formation 1: Cross (All angles in a circle and protecting Keria that's in the middle.)

Formation 2: Line (They all look one way and run towards the enemy as a group.)

Formation 3: Formation 3: Arrow Point (Rykuu in front as the tank, Tanaka on the left of the leader as the left attacker. Zane on the right of the leader as the right attacker. Markos on the left side on the end as the sensor for the sense of blood nearby. Keria on the right side on the end as the locator for nearby movement and sounds up ahead or behind them.) 

Formation 4: Air support (Rykuu, Up front and attacking first.)

Formation 5: Land support ( Zane, Keria, and Tanaka. Up front and attacking first.)

Formation 6: Sea/Underwater Support (Markos and his ability to communicate with sea creatures, Up front and attacking first.)

Character Sheet~ Main Character
Hero Name: Speedy Hops
Name: Keira Ryoko
Age: 15-18 (Highschool)
Eye Color: Dark blue in both eyes and is blind.
Hair Color: White with spots of Black, short punk haircut. Two long long bunny ears sprouting from their head.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8-6'0
Class~ 1-B
School~ Shiketsu Highschool
School Clothes~ She wears a white collared shirt and dark skirt with a hole for her cheetah tail and she has a blue and orange uniform hat with holes for their long bunny ears. Her uniform also includes a dark jacket with the Shiketsu logo printed on the collar.
Casual~ Light leather jacket or light sweatshirt or hoodie with a tank top t-shirts. Grey & white beanie, and wears sunglasses sometimes. Black leggings with no shoes.
Hero Costume~ Black blind fold covering their eyes. Has Black leggings that stop at above their ankles and have a hole for their cheetah tail. And they have skin tight shirts that's black & white with shoulder length sleeves. And a zipper hoodie with holes for their bunny ears. It's black on the outside but white on the inside. No shoes.
Appearance: Has two bunny ears that come from their head. And a cheetah spotted-tail coming from their lower back. Their legs are a hybrid between bunny and cheetah legs. They can grow claws from their fingertips. Stalk their prey quietly and erase their presence. They can shift their body in order to be able to walk on all fours to run faster like a cheetah and she can shift her body like a bunny shaped body too in order to jump even higher.
Personality: Leader material, Loves a good fight, tomboy, very protective of her friends. Speaks her mind no matter what, is very energetic. Very stubborn and persistent no matter what she does.
Ability & Skills~ Enhanced Jumping ability,  Inhuman speed up to 50-80 mph. Incredible sense of hearing, heightened senses since they are completely blind. Has a lot of stamina.
Quirk~ Cheetah & Bunny

Primal Bunny~ Bigger muscles than before, red cloudy eyes, increased height, speed, senses, and deeper voice. Thick white fur, shorter cheetah tail, long and big bunny ears, big hybrid feet and hands. On their back legs they can be as high as 3 story buildings. (Bunny Transformation) White smoke and gush of sharp air.

Primal Cheetah~ Long tail thats sharp like a huge blade, razor sharp claws, cloudy blue eyes, growling like voice, big bone structure, sharp fangs, short bunny ears, thick grey fur, and ragged white fur, their body can be a tall as 2 story building on all fours and 4-5 story buildings on their back hind legs. (Cheetah Transformation) Black smoke and gush of wind.


(Grumpy Shark)
Side Character 1~
Hero Name: Gill
Name: Markos Sukehiro
Age: 15-18 (Highschool)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11-6'5 (normally), 6’5-7’5 (Rampage Mode/Dehydrated)
Class: 1-B
School~ Shiketsu Highschool
School Clothes~ He wears a white collared shirt and dark pants with holes for their fins. And he has a blue and orange uniform hat. Their uniform also includes a dark jacket with the Shiketsu logo printed on the collar.
Casual~ Flip flops, Shorts, Tank top, sunglasses,
Hero Costume~ Black & Blue Scuba diving suit with holes for their gills and fins. Has a muzzle sometimes so he won't go rabid and bite someone.
Appearance: Has pale blue skin with dark blue gills and fins sticking out their body. They have quite long hair but doesn't go past the neck, and wears bangs that's wavey like ocean waves and parted to the right and covering up their right eye, White in color. And Blue Irises with black sclera. Sharp teeth and multiple rows of them. Sharp claws and toes, strong muscles and thick skin.
Personality: Hates the sun and heat, loves walk in freezers, loves the water, grumpy, complains a lot about the heat, has a death glare when talked to by anyone else that's not his friends. When pissed off he's a savage and will try to bite people. He's kind and gentle when you get to know him. When he's in the water and near his friends his attitude and personality shifts to a more happy and energetic kind of person.
Ability & Skills~ Can communicate with sea creatures, can breath underwater, can bite through anything with their deadly sharp teeth. They can regenerate their teeth very quickly.
Quirk: Shark Boy~ (Can do anything a Shark can do, for example. Breath underwater, good sense of smell especially when it comes to blood. Travel in the water really fast and see underwater. The downsides is that they need to stay hydrated and avoid places like the desert.) (When overheated he loses control and becomes a primal animal of a deadly shark predator. He will go on a rampage and bite anyone in his way. Let alone kill anyone in his way. The scent of blood makes his bloodlust get worse. Their irises change to blood red with black sclera. His body grows in size and height. His voice becomes deeper and he craves humans to eat. )

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