Volume 1 Chapter 3: Dehydration isn't something to joke about!

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Previously: Back to Keira & Maya~ Keira was bleeding heavily from all over but still standing but just barely. Maya wing's were on the ground on either sides of her because her muscles in her wings were weakening. Her crystals are also growing back slower than the usual time of 1 min. They both are breathing heavily and barely managing to stand up properly.

The announcer saw this and decided to call it a tie. They both refused to be carried to the nurse's office and walked there themselves dripping blood. When they arrived Rykuu and Deku were looking their way with a happy attitude. All of them but Keira watched the TV to watch the next fight. She just laid down and listened to the TV's sound.

Round 3~ Markos Sukehiro vs Zoey Sakura (Exploding Flames Girl)

They both are standing across from each other and in their fighting positions. She dashed towards him with flaming fisticuffs. Markos saw the fire and panicked because it's his worst weakness. He tried to dodge her attacks but just near her made his skin dry up and start to get weak.

Back to the nurse's office~

Rykuu~ "This isn't good."

Deku~"Why do you say that?"

Rykuu~"His weakness is heat and anything hot. His qurik is a mutation in a form of a shark. He thrives in the water but suffers in the heat." He said worried for his friend.

Keira~ She sighed softly,"He'll be fine, this is Markos we are talking about. Don't you remember what happens when he's upset?" She said, relaxed and not worried at all.

Rykuu~ "Right. Your right. But what if.."

Keria~"Don't worry they'll stop him go he goes too far." She said, yawning afterwards.

Deku~ "I'm confused about what you both are talking about."

Rykuu~"His rage is uncontrollable, when he's hot or dehydrated his mood changes to angry and merciless. Unless he's near us, his friends. His animal side takes over and he goes into a rampage bitting everything in his way." He said, worried about everyone near his friend in the gym.

Back to Zoey & Markos~ "What's wrong with you!?" She shouted in fear with his deadly death glare and presence change. "I'm too hot, I need to cool off..." He said under his heavy breathing trying to hold back from going on a rampage. "I can't lose control...I can't..." He said to himself struggling against is inner thirst for blood. He covered his eyes up and screamed out in pain as his claws grew out of his fingertips against his Will. And his eyes changed to blood red. He was leaning over as his fin on his back grew in size. Not just his fin on his back grew in size but his whole body grew in size and height, his clothes started to rip. His hands and feet grew in size so much that his shoes ripped apart and his claws were really big. "I HATE THE HEAT!" he screamed out in agony as he was still struggling to stay in control.

Then suddenly Zoey made the mistake to fire her explosive purple flames at him. He dropped his hands and looked up at her barely flinching at her explosions when they hit his thick skin. "What! How did that not hurt him!?" She took a step back in fear. He grinned like a psychopath while drooling over her meaty body. "I wonder how you taste human?" He said in a deeper voice than he had before. She sent her biggest attack at him and set them to all go off at once to knock him out but it was no use he wasn't normal anymore. Pain didn't stop him from coming to taking a bite of her body. "Get away me!" She increased the temperature and sent everything she had towards his direction costing her to burn her own body slowly. "Something smells good." He said walking half burned up but still moving towards her and smiling big showing his sharp shark teeth. He inched towards her and grabbed her wrist crushing it in the process. She screamed out in agony and begged for help.

Then suddenly a huge gush of air happened and his hand was laying on the ground next to him. Keira was standing in front of the girl who was on the ground and shaking in fear. She was all calm and collected but in a scary way. She has long claws coming from her fingertips. "What did I say about losing control, Markos." She said in a serious tone of voice.

Back to the nurse's room~ Deku, Rykuu and Maya all look over at Keira's bed that she was just laying down in. It was a mess and she wasn't there. All of them but Rykuu went into shock.

Rykuu~"Remember when I said she wasn't fighting serious before. That's her serious." He said, scared of Keira's true power.

Back to Markos~ He internally was freaking out because of Keria was completely calm but serious about him losing control.

Keria~"Hey referee don't you think that the Hero's should have stopped him. He lost control of his qurik, he goes crazy in the heat. He's a shark, think about it if he was near or in water we wouldn't have lost control. Pro heroes that are water based have limits like us land animals." She spoke her mind and then heard.

Announcer~"Your very right, please calm down your friend and you get the results in a few weeks. Next round will happen in 5mins. Everyone take a break."

Zane ran into view and threw water in his friend. Markos calmed down instantly and shrunk in size and fell unconscious. Zane and Keria caught him. Keira left Markos to Zane and she turned around and smiled genuinely at the hurt girl. "I'm sorry for my friend's actions, I know you are terrified right now. But I assure you he struggled against his inner animal the best he could. Your fire quirk send him into a frenzy. I hope you can forgive him in time." Keira bowed in forgiveness for her friend's dreadful actions.

Someone helped Zoey off the gym stage and took her home after she was healed. Keira escorted her Shark friend to the nurse's office to reattach his arm with their advance medical technology.

Keira~ "We're back." She said, smiling satisfied.

Deku~"Whoa...wow...your so cool Keira!"

Rykuu~"Markos must have passed out because of the pain, but damn I haven't seen you that mad in a while."

Maya~"How did you move so fast. One second you were here and then you weren't." He said, confused.

Zane~"Keira's scary when she's serious. Why do you think we behave around her." He said, that laughing nervously.

Keira~"I'll just say that you don't want to mess with me or my friends. But what Markos did was too far. I'm disappointed in the heroes for not stopping him though." She said seriously with a certain intensity.

To be continued....

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