Chapter 2- Unexpected Appearance

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    I was actually kind've nervous to go to Sean's house for dinner. What if he thought I was ugly? I stood in front of the long mirror. My blue and purple dyed hair was tangled in endless curls. I wore a white sparkly shirt  matched with short pink and white ti-dye jean shorts. This was what I usually wear. I tried to brush through my hair, but failed. Not having enough time, I decided to leave it as is.

    "Hey!" Sean smiled as he pulled open the door.

    "Hi!" I smiled back and did a little wave.

    "Come on in," he said. "I also invited my girlfriend here, I hope that's okay."

    "Completely fine," I smiled bigger. I didn't know he had a girlfried? That kind've sucks. Wait? Huh? I peered around his shoulder and froze. Its her?!

•°•°•°•Sean's POV•°•°•°•

    Violette took one look at Christine and tensed up. Do they know each other.

    "Something wrong?" I asked.

    She turned to me and put on a smile."Nope, why?"

    "No reason."

I introduced Violette to Christine after we were all situated. Whenever they talked to each other, they weren't just talking. It seemed like they were fighting. Everything one said the other argued with. I knew something was up.

    As we started eating dinner Violette was sharing a funny story about how a taxi driver got completely lost driving her to the Seattle airport. I couldn't help but get lost in her eyes. There was a grayish blue rim around the outside and was more green on the inside. If you were really looking, you could see little specks of golden yellow.


    "Huh? Oh, sorry. What did you say?"

     "I asked if you've ever gone on vacation before." Christine replied.

    "I went to Disney world once with my family, but I was really little then sobi don't remember anything." I say, smiling.


    Christine had left to go to work, so it was just me and Violette.

    "So, what's up with you and Christine?" I asked, curious.

   She pondered for a moment, before answering with "Well, she went to my high school. We never really got along, and she sort of bullied me a little bit..." she trailed off, her voice softer towards the end.

    "Huh?" Did she really do that? She couldn't have.

•°•°•°•Violette's POV•°•°•°•

    I absolutely despise her. She was one of the reasons I moved! But I couldn't tell Sean that! He probably won't believe me and I also don't want to be the reason he breaks up with her.

    "It's getting late. I should probably go..."

    "See you tomorrow?"

    "Yep! Bye!" I start to get up.

    "Wait! I still dont have your number," he smirked a little at the end.

    "Here," I say, handing him my phone, "put yours in."

    "Here y'go," he hands it back.


    "Bye bye."


I'm sorry for the late update but oh well. I might be updating this more on sunday and Monday too so stay tuned. Also the pic on the side or above is Violette's hair. So ya..... A shirt. I'm sorry I had to. Until next time!



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