Chapter #01 Time Slip

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Yokosuka Bay. Japan


This is an amazing day for Japan and her Maritime Self-defense Force as it is the maiden journey for Kawakaze, the 1st ship of the Kawakaze class carrier, the first actual carrier made by Japan based of US' modern Enterprise class aircraft carrier but with several modifications by the manufacturers. Unlike any carrier in the world, she is also capable to conduct independent missions thanks to her 10 VLS pads and her 4x30mm autocannon anti aircraft guns made by the Murata Heavy Industries who will protect the Kawakaze from any threats, and she also capable to carry up to 75 Mitsubishi X-2 Shinshin, 20 Kawasaki Murasaki combat drone who were the first carrier-borne drone developed by Japan, 25 SH-60J/K anti submarine helicopters, and another 25 MVSA-32J Umidori VTOL to protects her from underwater threats, the helicopters can also serve as a troop carrier during amphibious assault missions and even with that number, she is still able to carry up to 1.250 fully armed troops, 40 AAV7A1 RAM/RS, 20 Type 16 Maneuver Combat Vehicle, 8 Type 99 155 mm self-propelled howitzer, and 15 M270 MLRS which can be parked on the deck for giving artillery support. not to mention the various types of computer softwares and hardwares that are installed on her. And to powered such monstrous ship, 4 Mitsubishi Raijin nuclear reactor, which are licensed from the American A1B nuclear reactor that they used on the Gerald R. Ford class are installed. And i, Tatsuyama Mikasa are the lucky bastard chosen to command her, i were so proud since i were the youngest female admiral in the JMSDF. In 07.30 AM Japan time, after a morning ceremony on the deck, the anchor are pulled, the tug boats are slowly pushes Kawakaze into the open sea, after that, we are to sail to the Bungo Strait to joined the 6 new Mirai-class destroyers commanded by captain Takumi Aruga, they're also joined with 2 Soryu class submarines led by captain Akira Yamada that departed from the Kure Naval Base. The Kawakaze, Mirai class, and the Soryu then made the 24th Combined Fleet. Our mission is to patrol the Eastern border of Japan due to the increasing activity of illegal fishing and also to fend off the Chinese warships who've been recently spotted lurking near the Japanese waters, this mission is also will tested Kawakaze's performance in the open waters. However, a message from Tokyo ordered us to go north, passing Cape Soya and if possible, find a storm and went through it. And so, we're heading north, to Cape Soya.

Later that midnight...

One of the Mirai class' weather radar spotted a medium storm in the Pacific, we then set course there as it is our order. Inside the storm, the wind blews up to 45km/h and the waves were so high the Kawakaze tilted about 10 degrees ! but, Kawakaze remained afloat.

The next morning...

Pacific Ocean, 315 km northwest of Japan


I woke up dizzy, but were pleased knowing the storm had passed, i then have breakfast with the crew, and today's breakfast is tempura with natto and rice. After finish breakfast and dressed up nicely, i went to the island to check up the crew. Then, i head back to my quarter since i still had the dizzy.

Later that afternoon..

one of the radar officer reported spotting an aircraft carrier 5 km from our fleet, i then went up to the island and checked the US Navy's fleet record and find nothing, supposedly, this area are empty, but there's an aircraft carrier, i then moved to suspecting the Chinese, as it is possible it's the Chinese' 001A class aircraft carrier. I then ordered the communication unit to establish communication with the carrier, but no result, i then ordered the deck crew to communicate using spotlight, but still the same, so, i ordered the flight crew to launch an X-2 to see the carrier since it's quite undiscernable from here. Then, i went to my seat in the island and then, the fighter plane reported that the aircraft carrier opened fire on him, and so, i ordered the Mirai class to fire a warning shots nearby the ship to cease fire. Few shots were made, but then, one of the communication officer intercept what it seems to be morse code, it says " unidentified Japs plane, request air support from E " and then, the radar officer spotted seeing a large formation of aircrafts incoming to our direction, with the submarines report no underwater vessels, i sound the general quarter and put the fleet into battle mode, the X-2s are then prepped for dogfight, however, with the short amount of time we got, i then ordered the weapon control room to prepare the CIWS for action, and soon, 4 Kawakaze's anti aircraft system and Mirai's 2 Phalanx 20mm CIWS began firing at those mysterious planes, after the Shinshin that got fired return to Kawakaze unharmed, i told the remaining Shinshin to intercept and shot down the plane that the hostile carrier launched and launch a drone to find the other carrier. After that, one of the Mirai class reported of a parachute, i then told the captain to rescue the pilot and bring it here for questioning. Not for long, the RHIB carrying the hostile pilot came, since he's unconcius, we're easily take him to the brig, the pilot's uniform is pretty weird, since none of us has known about this type. After the pilot wake up, i watch the interrogation from a one-way mirror and the one interrogating is Sgt. Hiroshi Takamura, Sgt. Hiroshi began the interrogation by simple questions, the pilot remained silent. But then, the pilot suddenly says " let me go you filthy Japs ! i want to see your CO ! " and then, i ordered the weapons unit to sink both carriers and went to the interrogation room, inside, i ask Sgt. Hiroshi to pick a cup of plain water and tea. I then sit infront of him and after Sgt. Hiroshi give me the cups, i put it in the desk and said " well, sir, i'm Admiral Tatsuyama Mikasa, the commanding officer of Aircraft Carrier Kawakaze " and the pilot then says " ha ?! what kind of a stupid prank is this ?! a woman ?! commanding an aircraft carrier ?! you Japs are so fucking hillarious !" and i then said " go on, laugh at your interest, as in this very moment, your aircraft carrier are being sent to the bottom of the Pacific by our finest weaponries " and then, a seaman went in and bring me a sheet of paper which shocked me, the pilot then said " what's the matter ? admiral ? your " finest " weaponries failed to sunk our carriers " and then i sip a tea and said " on the contrary, the reconnaisance aircraft reported both aircraft carrier and the bomber fleet has been eliminated, thanks to our quick reaction. Alright, we're going to hold you here until you ready to talk about you " and i walked out to the observation room, there, i saw the pilot flipped the table. I then leave to my quarter, but before that, i told the security to have 2 personnel stays here. In my quarter, i read the report from the air unit which has landed when i'm heading to the quarter, the aircraft carrier we just sunk were the Hornet and Enterprise, and one of our seaman, who's apparently WW2 history buff, said that the bomber we just intercept were part of the Doolittle Raid which were US' retaliation over Pearl Harbour, meaning somehow we're transported to 1942, the early age of Pacific War. I were indeed shocked, but more worse is that we just altered the course of history, and who knows what will come next, some parts of me thinks we should altering the course of WW2 to a Japanese victory, others thinks that we should hide somewhere and try to find the same storm, which i hope will bring us back to the 21st century. So, to settled it, i held a tele-confrence, which luckily, communication between ships still possible so we can held it. And from the 8 other ships, 7 of them are choosing to alter history, and in a democratic fashion, the majority wins, so we're altering history. After that conference, one of my seaman reported of a Japanese aircraft approaching, i then ordered the deck crew to prepare for landing and use semaphore to communicate to the aircraft, a Nakajima B5N coloured yellow, meaning it's a trainer craft. Fortunately, the deck crew raises a Hinomaru flag at the tower make the aircraft willing to land, from the plane, came down 2 Japanese airmen, i then came to the deck to meet them and they were definitely shocked, but, i said to them " pilots, you're safe here, don't worry, we're Japanese, i'm admiral Tatsuyama Mikasa, come on in, it's much comfier " and had the deck crew take it to the hangar elevator, inside, i had them in the confrence room and had the kitchen crew prepped a small meal, just a rice and miso soup, and also a cup of tea. The pilot – presumably the captain – said to me " admiral, are you the one who sunk the 2 American aircraft carriers and who shot down the bombers ? " and i said " yes, and i assume you're sent here to investigate ? " and the captain said " yes, ma'am. we're sent to investigated it, but... why i never heard of it before ? is this a super-secret experimental warships ? " and i said " well, captain... " and the captain said " Ishijima, Kuroba Ishijima, captain of the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Corps. Ma'am ! " and the other pilot said " Saejima, Kawakami Saejima, First Liutenant. " and i said " oh, pleasure to meet you 2 brave gentlemen. And as the commander of this vessel, i welcomed you, please, have some of the food we've prepared " and they eated politely. After finishes their meal, Captain Ishijima said " admiral, you haven't answered my question, is this fleet a secret experimental warship ? " and i said " well, it's not a secret, but well, we're actually came from the future " and both pilots shocked and at the same time said " the future ?! " and i said " yes, the future, 90 years from now to be exact. " and Liutenant Saejima said " excuse me, admiral, ma'am. what's happening in the future ? did we won ? " and i said " well, things going pretty well for Japan, after the war. However, no, we're losing, to something called atomic bomb, dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US. " and Liutenant Saejima said " so... we lost the war ?! " and i said " yes, but don't worry, gentleman, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force is here to help you out " with a pleasant smile. Captain Ishijima then said " Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ? what is that ?" and i explained it to them with their level of knowledge " the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force is Japanese Navy's name in the future. " and Captain Ishijima nodded slowly. I then looked at my watch and it says 17.30 PM Japan time, i then said " well, gentlemen, since it's about to turn into night, what about spend the night here ? we surely have a spare room for you airmen, so ? " and after talking to each other, Captain Ishijima said " well, admiral, we accept your offer. " and i said " perfect, i had one of the seaman to take you to your quarter, oh, and as a little news flash, we captured a downed US airmen from Enterprise, you might want to have that intel. " and Captain Ishijima said " what ?! a US airmen ?! how did you get him ? " and i said " one of the Mirai class spotted a parachute, so they send a RHIB to picked him up and have him shipped and placed in our brig. " and Captain Ishijima said " Mirai ? RHIB ? what are those ? " and i then told them to look at the window and said " gentlemen, those ships you saw, are the Mirai class Missile Destroyer " and Captain Ishijima said " amazing, what a marvelous warship, and... those submarines ? " and i said " oh, that's the Soryu class submarine. And RHIB is basically a modern lifeboat " and then after calling for a seaman with the intercom, the 2 pilots were sent to an empty quarter, while i secretly monitored their activity with a CCTV, they seems pretty fine with their shocking discoveries, and just act like normal.

Dinner time...

It's dinner time in the fleet, and for today's dinner in Kawakaze is hamburger, rice, and miso soup. And since the 2 pilots are also joining in the dining hall, i also there to see how the crew's reaction, and turned out, the flight crew were really close to them, the 2 pilots asked many questions to Kawakaze's pilots regarding the Shinshin and other related to aircrafts, and for them, it's nothing short but a miracle. After finish eating, the flight crew had the 2 pilots give a try on the Shinshin, and they were amazed by its performance and the Shinshin pilots get their chance of flying an authentic ww2 Japanese plane. Late at night, one of the Soryu class reported a periscope depth sonar contact, supposedly a submarine, i then quickly alerted the ASW helicopters to standby and after 1 helicopter is ready, it soon launched to find and sink it, while the Soryuu class are using it's silent Li-ion battery to approach it, the Soryuu transmitted " Torpedo fired ! torpedo fired ! " and the whole fleet went on a battlestations, but luckily, WW2 torpedo has no guidance system, so it went straight, but it also means our countermeasures became useless, because our torpedo countermeasure worked by blinding the torpedo's locking system. But then, one of the Mirai reported " Admiral ! we like to try this idea, may i proceed ? " and i said " do it ! " and they then fired their torpedo against it, fortunately, the other torpedo produces enough silhouette for the torpedo to be acquisitioned and it blasted far from the fleet, and the ASW helicopter, using their sonar, reported a submarine, and with the help of the seaman who were the WW2 history buff, he claimed it's an American S-boat, or submarine for simplicity, and so, the ASW launched their torpedo and a big, yellow explosion is seen by the fleet. After that, the fleet is remained on high alert, the Shinshin are prepared for dogfights and air to ground combat. None of us could sleep until sunrise the next morning.

To be continued...

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