Ch. 04 : Wartime Holiday

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Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


It's been several days since we land back in Yokosuka, as we wait for the major invasion operation on the coast India and Madagascar, we're given liberty pass as long it took for assembling the fleet. and the changes were more visible by day, the plants making modern weapons are working 24/7, troops guarding the Imperial Palace are now armed with Howa 89, as well the regular infantrymen, in fact, the WW2 weapons they should be using are now only used as reserve weapons, and with the quantum leap Japan has, the mechanics of the Task Force Kawakaze decides to take it a step further on modernizing Japan, so, in theory, they planned to make 1942 Japan is as modern as at least 1990s Japan, which isn't that far-fetched, we got the tools and resources anyway. And right now, Japan's military are at about 64% of being modernized, the old, antiquated telegraph and field telephone are now replaced with hi-speed encrypted radio signal using antenna dish, so we are virtually beyond the Allies, the IJNAF and IJAAC, with their new Shinshin fleet, has managed to stop Allied efforts on bombarding Japan, which is something to be proud of, as in the actual history, Japan lacks the capability of taking down large bombers such as the B-29 as it has a service altitude beyond the AA guns used by the Army, and to our astonishment, many women enlisting to the military, as they were inspired by the courage of our female sailors, and me, mostly. The admirals and officers in IJN has given me a nickname " Umi no Kogo " which means " Empress of Sea " and cinemas across Japan and her territory are playing a movie based our arrivals which in the movie, titled " Mirai no Funanori " made by the director Mitsuya Seo, are sent by the Gods to help Japan. This movie are also made with techniques resembling a classic Gojira film, using diorama since the crew of Hamakaze, the 2nd Mirai class are so excited with this film and decides to give a helping hand. And some of the men are also have grown an affection towards some of the ladies, and vice versa. Me, i usually spends the day in my mansion, often times, important person, like Admiral Yamamoto, or Admiral Nagumo would came and we'll usually discuss tactics or plannings, or i just walking around Yokosuka, enjoying the scenic, sitting in the park, like i usually do in the modern era, and everywhere, there would be crowds of people asking for autographs or pictures, so, i began wearing disguises, by wearing a regular Yukata instead of my regular JMSDF uniform nor my regular clothes, and tied my hair where i usually just let it looses, and i decides to put a small amount of dirt into my face so i look like from the lower class, instead of the princess-like beauty they seen in newsreels and newspapers, but still, sometimes, there are people who still recognize me through my disguises. But after a while, i just let it go, accept the popularity i get, i then became the most famous woman in all of Japan and the most popular and brilliant admiral in the IJN. However, the US doesn't think the same, they sent spies to Yokosuka plant and other plant sites, even to the academies and worker school to learn about the mystery of the Kawakaze and Japan's sudden power-up, but luckily, one of the guard captured one of those spies in Niigata, taking picture of the Kaiten which now are repurposed from a suicide torpedo to a reconnaisance midget submarine and the I-400K which are the I-400 class but instead of aircraft, it has bays for storing 4 Kaiten, and the I-500, the first submarine in IJN with VLS. and then, security at bases, academies, and plants are tighten, they installing facial recognition device, fingerprints scanning, and ID scans, which is impossible for them to get their hands on. While at the same time, there's been a rising in US submarines and warships spotted nearby Japan, and at a very close range, suggesting they were trying to watch our naval movement and learn a thing or two about the Kawakaze's fleet and the new coastal defenses Japan has now utilize, and so, coastal defenses are also tighten, air patrol, surface defense, and underwater patrol became a routine picket duty everyday.

Tokyo, Kanto Prefecture, Japan


Today, i'm in Tokyo, in the Naval ministry office to present my proposal to the admirals and the chief of staff, which is resurrecting the legendary battleship Mikasa, during the first world war, she serves only as a coast guard ship, which her last duty. Now, she just docked in a pier in Yokosuka, unwanted, untreated, unlike how she should be as the winner of the Battle of Tsushima back in 1905, and as a woman who also named Mikasa, i wishes to be in command there. so, after several hours debating and presenting, i went home with my car from the Naval ministry to my mansion with high hopes that it could be passed, since we could retrofitted her, the side guns could be automatized, and with the installment of the CIWS, torpedo pods, VLS, and the turret, changed to those used in Nagato class, however, due to the small size, the VLS won't be installed. And it turns out, most admirals were supporting my plan, and so, Mikasa's boiler are once again turned on and sailing to Kure Naval Shipyard where she will be retrofitted, Mikasa also has been put into a priority ship which means once she arrive in Kure, all workers are to be shifted to Mikasa, and i also has volunteered myself to command the beast of Tsushima, while so, i appoint Captain Umiko from Kawakaze to be the CO in Kawakaze. And we're hoping she will be ready for the invasion. In the early morning, the IJN has loaded Mikasa with coal and ammunition, in case we have contact, they also appointed several sailors to man them. When the smokestack began puffing black smoke, the Z flag and Hinomaru once again raised to the mast of Mikasa that afternoon, many crowds were shocked that she is still seaworthy, so, with the escort of 6 retrofitted frigates and 6 retrofitted A6M2, the Mikasa once again slices the wave of Pacific.

Kure, Hiroshima Prefecture

19.34 Japan Time

The battleship Mikasa, reach the shipyard in Kure unharmed, the worker there were quickly take the Mikasa to one of the unoccupied dry dock and began working as soon she is cleared, this retrofitting however, will undoubtedly hold back the invasion day, which we don't want to happen, but i – who were commanding Mikasa to Kure – are told that they will work as fast they could.

The next day...

I were sleeping in the office of Kure Naval shipyard since most hotels and inn were closed due to the war, so, i decides to fly back to Yokosuka using a transport plane, luckily, a B5N is available so i don't have to waste my time waiting

To be continued...

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