The Confession (Ch.9)

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A/N: Hey everyone, been a while hasn't it? I'm not gonna lie, I totally forgot about this and truly have no idea where I was going with this lmaoo but I really wanted to wrap up the story with this chapter. I hope this ending is satisfactory for all of those who stuck it out :)  Thank you for all of the support over the years. Here we go! 

~ Y/N POV ~ 

I leaned my arm against the window scrolling through my phone just listening to music as we drove to school. After a few comfortable moments of silence, Pete spoke up. 

"So, when are you gonna tell Firkle you like him?" I rolled my eyes at his words, I could see him smirking in the corner of my eye. 

"When you tell Michael you like him." I retaliate, smirking back at him. 

"I'll tell you what, if you tell Firkle, I'll tell Michael. Deal?" 

I sat up and turned to him, seeing if he was serious. I went to protest but stopped myself. What if I did tell him? Would that make it weird for us? Would it ruin our friendship? Would I be a poser? I weighed the pros and cons of the situation and decided fuck it. I'm gonna tell Firkle I like him. What's the worst that could happen? 


I slump back in my chair scrolling on my phone once more. When we finally got to school, everything kinda hit me at once. Am I really about to do this? We grab our bags and walk to the back of the school, seeing everyone already sitting in their usual spots playing music. We said a quick greeting and sat in our respective spots. I nervously sat next to Firkle and took out my cigarettes. He hands me the lighter we had talked about earlier. I gave a quick thank you before taking a long drag of the cig. I anxiously tap the cig on my knee as I think of the perfect time to confess. I don't want to say this in front of everyone but I also don't want it to be obvious. That's when I get an idea, I turn to Firkle. 

"Hey, I wanna see if I left my lighter in my locker. Wanna come with me?" I tried saying it as casually as possible, but I was clearly nervous. 

"Sure, why not." He says standing up, offering his hand to me. 

I take it and he pulls me up to my feet. He walks over to the school door but I stay for a moment. I look over to my brother and he gives me a knowing look, smirking at me. My face flushes slightly and I turn to the doors, walking quickly through them. We walk in a comfortable silence but I am kinda freaking out. I'm really gonna do this. We get to my locker and I quickly punch the numbers in, open the locker, and look for my lighter. 

"Do you see it?" Firkle asked leaning on the locker next to me, looking for a teacher or someone who could catch us and get us in trouble. 

"Not yet," I say rummaging through the mess of my locker," I can't see anything through this mess." 

He leaned over me and tried to look for the lighter too. "You're not gonna find it even if it is in here." He said smirking, lightly laughing at my mess. I sigh realizing that he was right. 

"Yeah, whatever. I'll just get a new one. Or I'll steal Pete's." I say closing my locker. He laughs and turns to leave but I stop him. 

"Firkle, wait," I grab his arm stopping him from moving, "I want to talk to you about something." He turns to me with a questioning look. 

"What's up?" He asks taking the cig out of his mouth.  I take a deep breath before speaking up. 

"I had a really great time at the New Year's party last night," I say rubbing my arm; looking away, "I just wanted to talk about the uh, kiss?" It sounded more like a question than a statement. I can see his face turn red as I bring it up. 

"Oh, uh, what about it?" He asks, crossing his arms. I can't read his expression. 

"Well, did you mean anything by it? Like, do you uh," I stammered over my words, "wanna make us official?" I nervously asked. I don't know why this is so hard to say, we've kissed multiple times before. His eyes light up as I say this. 

"I would like that." He says, trying to hide his excitement. I can't hide the smile on my face. 

"Cool!" We stand there looking at each other smiling for a moment before I reach my hand out for him to grab it, he does and we walk back to the gang, hand in hand. Once we get there, the others immediately notice our hands interlocked. Pete is the first to comment. 

"Ohh, so you finally did it?" He says with a shit-eating grin on his face. Michael and Henrietta look over at us, slightly shocked at our display of affection. 

"Yeah, I did," I can confidently, not letting go of his hand, "did you?" I return the smirk on my face. 

My brother's smile fades into a scowl, glaring lightly at me. I giggle a bit at his look, walking back to my usual sitting spot with Firkle. We both sit down in our spots but this time I lean against his shoulder. He tenses a bit when I do this but relaxes after a few seconds. He looks down as he puts his arm around my shoulder. 

The rest of the school day is pretty normal. Skipping classes, smoking and drinking coffee behind the school, etc. Nothing really changed now that Firkle and I are dating; I was worried our relationship as a group would get weird but luckily it hasn't. As always, Pete drove the two of us home after school. I couldn't contain my excitement as I gushed about the whole interaction I had with Firkle when I told him. Pete had a small smile on his face as he listened to me, I could tell he was happy for me. I stop talking for a moment to look out the window. 

"Oh, I forgot to ask you," I turn to him, "Did you tell Michael?" Pete's smile grows a little, nodding his head. 

"I did." 

I smile at him wildly, clapping my hands in excitement. He giggles at my reaction but keeps his eyes on the road. I sit back and look out the window once more. Thinking of the events that have occurred these past few months. How much we have all grown. I'm not afraid anymore, I feel like I can finally talk about things I was scared to in the past. I know that now I have Firkle by my side, I feel as though I am ready for anything that life will throw my way. 

I can't wait to see what our future holds. 

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