Chapter 6

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Morning 7AM
Mr.Choi POV

Its is 7 in the morning and i am preparing myself for the meeting. I still thinking about Areum that she woke up or she is still sleeping. Just thinking about her makes my heart melt but i really hate this hell and the rules in this hell. The rules are like WTF. I think I will meet some of my friends and my ex Miso. She is a slut. She just came to me for money. She also goes to every men to satisfive her needs and I heared that she got banished from the hell for something she did wrong in the palace.all my thoughts were interepted by Eun-Kyung calling me."bro did you get ready"."yes" was all I could say because I was neverous and i couldn't even think properly and Kyung notice it and came towards me " Hyung its gona be okay don't be neverous I am here beside you. Don't worry everything is gona be fine."."OOo my gosh finally you called me hyung. At least now you are giving me respect. Please call me like that here after. ok." will we were talking Kyung noticed my dress colour. "Hyung you still remember what dress colour we should wear here?"."Yes Kyung, I still remember it because this is the place were i was born."."Ok end of converstion. Lets head to the palace". I just hummed in responce. When I came out the people didn't even say anything after seeing but they just mumbled something in eachother ears. I didn't give it a shit and kept walking.

Time Skip To The Palace Enternce
(Still in Mr.Choi Pov)

After a 15 minutes walk we were standing in front of a big gate which was made of metal and it was rusted and there was two guards who had horns on their head and their teeth pooking out of their mouth. As i was about to enter the palace one of the guards stoped me. " Who are you brat? You look like a human? what are you doing here?". This son of a bitch is so rude. As I was about to talk Kyung talked insisted of me. "Bro he has to meet the king for some help. So, can you please let us in?"he just replyed the son of a bitch very clamly and even asked him permission for going in and what the actual fuck is happening here. It was not like this before. why everyone are behaving like this? As I was about to speak i was again cut of by the guard " Ok you can go in but you should behave" he said it will pointing his finger at me and again I was about to talk but Kyung draged me inside the palace. I didn't even notice we were inside the palace as i was thinking about everyones behaviour. I came to reality when one the person said the king is coming and I saw Kim soojung aka the 'KING'. He looks the same, no changes just like a shithead. As I was think about his shitty behaviour, I didn't even think and made eyecontact with him and his eyes widen but it changed in minutes and his lips formed a smirk. 

As he sat on his throne and there was a lady sitting beside her and a boy who might be 5 years was playing with the women. The boy was really cute and he had the same dimples like the women and his eyes were like SOOJUNG!!! Then it hit me like a truck. The boy is his son and the women is his wife and I was right when he came the boy ran to him and shouted "DADDY" and soojung kissed the women's cheek. While I was seeing them Kyung draged me to the front of soojung. I gave him a look saying  WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK DID YOU DRAG ME HERE. He just shruged and started talking to Soojung." Your highness. I am here with my friend Yongjea and he needs your help to save his wife and baby. His wife is ill due to lung cancer and he needs your help very badly." will he was talking Soojung just kept on staring at me but I just shrugged it off and Soojung stood up from his throne and started to walk towards me with a smirk on his face and said " Long time no see Yongjea. How have you been? and I heared that your wife is ill what happen?"." I am fine your highness and yes your highness my wife is ill and I need your help." I said will forcing a smile on my face. " But I don't know how to help you and even if I help you what will you do?" asked soojung while we were standing face to face."I-ii-i don't kno-w" I don't know why the actul fuck I am stuttering and his smirk growed bigger after my stutter. "Ooooo so you say that you need my help but you don't know what to give. Soo how about this i will make your wife be alive but the baby which is going to come to this world belongs to my son. Is it ok with you or not?" I was like what the fuck. I know that I don't have anyother way so i just said"

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