Chapter 1

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The sun was shining brighter today. I woke up with its rays shining on my face. I opened the window and entered the balcony, leaning against the railing. A smile crept up my face as the breeze gently blew across my face, the strands of my hair swaying along with it. Yesterday there was a severe storm and it flooded almost the entire city. Everything was closed and everybody was instructed not to come out of their houses. It was very dark outside, grey clouds engulfed the sky hiding the crescent shaped moon's light.

It felt eerily similar. A few months ago, my life had turned just like yesterday night, devoid of any light. It felt as though I was stuck in the middle of a dark alley where, neither could I trace my path back and return nor could I walk ahead in the hope of finding light. I had failed twice consecutively. My acting career had gone downhill after D3. I got offers and I even accepted two of them. But at the end, either my performance wasn't up to the mark or the story just didn't lure people that much. I couldn't really figure out what went wrong and ultimately I ended up feeling dejected, sad and demoralised.

And then one fine day, when I was sitting alone on my bed watching my past dance performances, I had an epiphany. I never really got the opportunity to train myself professionally, I had always wanted to master atleast one dance form. After consulting a few people and after a lot of support and convincing from my family, I ended up applying to three dance schools in Canada.

Anxious. That's how I felt when I pressed the key for 'apply' a month ago. And ever since that day I had been anticipating a reply from those universities. While that similar feeling of being lost greeted me like an old friend yesterday night, a reply from one of the universities pulled me out of that zone. It was positive. 'We're really looking forward to having you here at Toronto Opera Ballet School, Miss Mehta.' it read. I squealed like a little girl and immediately went to deliver the good news to my family.

My family took the news really well. While mom shed a few tears here and there, my idiot of a brother only laughed it off saying he was glad to finally have a bigger room. I felt relieved. As scary as it seemed, leaving everything behind and moving to an unknown city, an unknown country for two years, it felt exciting too. Now the only thing left was to tell about my new venture to my friends.

When I stopped going out and refused to meet anybody a few months ago, they were concerned. I had a lot of texts from my friends, especially from Palki mam, Shantanu and Sam. 'Nothing's really working out and I'm tired so I'm just taking a break' I had told them and waved off my sadness, not wanting to worry them or cause any trouble.

"Need to tell you something very important, can we meet today in the evening?" I had texted him.

"I need to tell you something important too. See you at our usual spot at 6." His message read.


My entire morning and afternoon was spent receiving calls from my relatives and thanking them for their good wishes. Evening soon rolled by and I started bracing myself for our meeting.

I was feeling jittery. My nerves were all over the place. A lot of what-ifs were haunting me, making me paranoid. He's my friend and my mentor, ofcourse he'll be happy for me. The more optimistic side of my brain reminded me.

I reached the secluded part of the beach just before sunset. It was a beautiful day. I could make out that when the sun would set, it would look mesmerising.

I checked the time on my watch, 6:05pm it read. Mr. Marwari, the always punctual Mr. Marwari late? I frowned.

"You know the frown doesn't really suit you." I heard his voice behind me.

"You're late Marwari" came my reply.

He rolled his eyes and said "I thought you wanted to tell me something important, didn't really tell me you wanted to scold me."

"And I suppose you wanted to tell me something too. So you go first."

"No, ladies first. So you go first. And don't even bother retorting because the sooner we tell each other, the better. Also I don't really want to miss this sunset" he said the last part softly.

"Okay" I took a deep breath and uttered, "I'm moving to Toronto, I got accepted in Toronto Opera Ballet School."


Hi you guys! Long time no see! Firstly I'm sorry for taking so long to update. I was stuck with my exams and got free just two weeks ago. So I wanted to chill and take things slowly for that period of time. I can't promise about sooner updates because the results will be out soon and admission will begin too. Your girl is opting for a medical college wohooo! But I'll try to come up with better and longer chapters. I had to cut this one into two parts because otherwise it would have been a very long chapter.

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Till then, adios!

Sunshine :))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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