The Psychology Teacher

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Ragini finally unlocked her new house . It took her almost one and half years to find a comfortable house near her college . Now , she had to spend only 30 minutes to reach her college by bus . Ragini was a psychology lecture of central city college . She had been teaching there for the last two years . Ragini did not belong to that city and hence she was living in a girls' hostel on not being able find an apartment near the college . The apartments near the college were small and also very noisy . So , Ragini took  her time and did her best to find a house where she could find enough peace to study and  could set up her art studio . Oil painting was an inseparable hobby for Ragini . She even already gathered the colours , brushes and canvas boards in a room of her new house . Neha , from the sociology department suggested her to this house . The owner of the house left almost three years ago and was finding a renter . Ragini visited  the house very next day  . The house was a bit far from the main city but one could visit frequently the city from the house . The house was made of fine wood . One would definitely feel at home after seeing the charming flower garden in front of the house . Ragini was mesmerised and decided to shift as soon as possible .

            After a few days ,   her parents helped her to shift to new house and stayed with her that night . The next day , early morning , they left to their house . Since , Ragini shifted during the weekends , she had the whole Sunday in her hands now . Being tired of arranging things , she lied in her sofa and sleep till 1 o clock . After waking up , Ragini went to decorate her art studio . While carrying the paper towels to the certain room , she found a small box that she yet had to throw away from the room . The box belonged to the old owner of that house . But , arriving near the box , Ragini thought to explore the box in order to find something amusing to draw.  As she opened the box , there were only old magazines and cartoon books . She felt disappointed and starting to close the box again but suddenly she discovered  an old notebook . Rangini took the notebook and quickly observed the pages . It seemed like the notebook used to be someone's diary for a very long term.  The letters of the notebook even began to fade away . She placed that notebook on her study table and left to make a coffee to refresh her mind .

    At that night , Ragini was writing for her next lecture in her study table . However , as soon as she saw the notebook , she dipped into it . Suddenly , someone knocked at her door . Ragini saw the clock and it was 11 o clock . She was a bit of afraid thinking who could be in that late hours . Ragini was an introvert and so she didn't have much friend there .

" Who are you ?" , Ragini asked fearfully .

" I am Ananya ." Someone replied from behind the door .
         Hearning voice of a little girl , Ragini felt secured and opened the door.  A small girl came inside and sat down on her sofa without asking her.  Ragini could assume that she might be from this neighbour .
          " Hello , I am Ananya  and I am 11 years old . I like to dance and I want to become a dancer in future. "
                 Ragini smiled at her and asked her to stay a little bit . She walked to the kitchen to bring a few cookies to her. But , after coming back from the kitchen. Ragini discovered that Ananya already left her place . Not seeing her , Ragini closed the door. When Ragini was going back  to the kitchen to place the cookies , her doorbell rang . Ragini thought that Ananya went and Ragini closed the door without even thinking . As soon as she opened the door , she saw a 15 years old girl was standing outside .
       Before Ragini could speak a word , the girl said , " I don't think , I can become a dancer.  The doctor said that I have brain tumour . I hardly have two more years ," saying that the girl ran away wiping her tears. Ragini could not able to understand what was going there . Her brain even forgot to respond to the incidents happening there .
          She sat on her sofa and drank a full bottle of water . She sweating a lot and wondering if these two were same girls or different . She suddenly felt very haunted at that moment .
Suddenly , her doorbell again rang .
                Strangely , in front of the door , there was standing a girl of 18 years old  with no hair . She looked pale and her eyes were full of tears .
           " I hardly have two or three days . Good bye ."
As the girl started to run away , Ragini ran with her and griped her right hand tightly at a moment . But , as she hold her hands , suddenly she fell on the ground with a great force .

             When Ragini opened her eyes , she found herself sleeping on her study table . She was reading the note book and fall asleep there . The note book was written by the owner of the house . It used to be a  diary for her since she was 11 years old . She died three years ago for an uncurable disease and the family left that house as it would remind them of her .

               " Dreams appear to be influenced by our waking lives in many ways . Theories about why we dream include those that suggest dreaming is a means by which the brain processes emotion , stimuli , memories and information that's been absorbed  throughout the waking life  . Our dreams reflect the concerns of our everyday life. What we read , feel , think---- everything repeats in our subconscious mind  when we are asleep ", Ragini finished her speech and announced that the class was over .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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