Three Clover

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 Three Clovers

   The sun peeked over the horizon, waking the city with its beautiful light telling everyone that it was that time of day and that school was finally reopening after the incident that took place that early morning. The girls woke up exhausted and still tired, making their way downstairs, seeing a note on the kitchen counter reading  " Girls I will be home late so no staying up past nine ok good see you girls tomorrow morning," wrote Dave. Brittney and her sisters sighed, jumping down from their chairs and headed back up to the room to do their usual routine every morning as they walked back downstairs, grabbed a couple of apples, and headed out the front door towards the school. 

While the girls were on their way school, Alvin jolted awake, looking around the room searching for his brothers but found them still passed out on the floor as he looked out the window searching for the girls. Alvin decided that it would be best if his brothers were awake to let them know it was morning and that the school was open, and in about 5-10 minutes, the girls should be walking up. Theo and Simon woke to see the sun and Alvin right in front of them; they got up and not worrying about their wounds as they left the math classroom, searching for the girls. Jeanette, Eleanor, and Brittney made it to school, walking through the double doors looking at students who, in return, gave them mean looks, so the three kept their heads down and made their way through the school without bumping into anyone.

Brittney: They don't have to look at us like that; you know we didn't do anything wrong to them

Eleanor: Well, we did kidnap Kyle Monrow and allegedly watched Alvin, Theo, and Simon murder him in cold blood

Brittney: Not our fault we were trying to help. We didn't know they were going to kill him 

The boys walked through the hall of their school, finally getting noticed as a student yelled out, getting the entire school to see them as they were doing perfectly fine without the trouble. Brittney stopped in her tracks, hearing that the boy was here as she looked around and around, finally setting her eyes on the right target walking towards them, pulling her sisters along with her.

Alvin: Hey guys, I found them; they walking towards us

Simon: Then meet them halfway, my dear brother

Theo: let's get protection

The boys met the girls halfway and were excited to see them, and so was the girls. They looked at each other up and down while giving one another a hug and back off. Alvin still had his gun in hand, showing the whole school as some stood and took pictures while others live-streamed it over the internet. Theo looked around to keep an out for the resource officer and found him walking in their direction as he panicked and started telling the others that they should hide. " Guys, the School Resource Officer is headed this way, and I think he knows what is going on. Some of the students who were watching told we were here," Theo told the group. Alvin grabbed Simon and started walking off in different directions while Theo and the girls followed hurriedly.  

Resource Officer: Hey, you six-stop right there

Alvin pulled Simon in a corner and grabbed the others, drawing them into a nearby room, closing the door, and hiding in the classroom, not knowing that other students and teachers were there staring at them. " We can't stay here. It was a bad idea coming to a school like this, " Simon said. Alvin looked and sighed, " Did you have a better idea of going home and getting caught red-handed we injured cops just to get here, maybe even killed some to survive, and you say this is a bad idea". The school resource officer looked in and out of rooms, searching for the six individuals but found nothing as he walked off, calling it in over the radio. Brittney and the girls gave a big breath walking out from hiding, taking Simon to a nearby table, and laying him on to see his wound.

Brittney: His wound isn't deep, but it could use the proper First aid

Jeanette held Simon's hand as he took it away from her called for Alvin by his side. " We have to leave and take them with us. They can't stay here. They know too much, and they will be dead by tomorrow first light". Alvin grabbed his hand and held it smiling ear to ear and laughed, " Yes, they know too much, but they help us kill Kyle Monrow, remember they can kill just like us. It's just they won't be as deadly as we are".

A student got up from a table and made his way over to them as Theo put his hand on his gun and stepped forward. " Do we know you?" Theo said. The student nodded his head and told him he was the best friend Kyle and wanted to help them escape from school back to their home.

Back in the Seville residents

Dave walked back and forth as his mother stood in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee, just looking at her desperate son shaking. " The girls are at school, and you told me that the girls are involved in this criminal masterpiece. " His mother nodded her head, taking a seat in the chair, and laughed.

Dave Mother: Let's say they are to sides of the same coin

Dave: Meaning what exactly?

Dave Mother: Meaning that wherever the boys go, the girls are bound to follow, which mean now that since they are at school, guess where the boys are

Dave looked as he jumped up from his seat, making his way towards the door, almost forgetting his keys while running out of the house and into his car, speeding his way towards the school. Mary sat in the kitchen and just shook her head and mumbled, " You won't make it in time, but the time you get there, they would already be gone, and the girls would have already made their choice to fight with them". Leaving the house and stepping out onto the porch only to snagged and pushed into the back seat of a truck.

Dave: Pick up pick up pick up

The call leads to voice mail as he pulled into the parking lot, rushing into the school, going straight be the office, only stopping when hearing talking. " They can't escape. Find them and bring them all to me," the unknown voice said as the door to the room opened and out stepped Officer Doug.

Officer Doug: What are you doing here, Seville?

Dave: I'm looking for my girls. Are they here

Officer Doug: No, and neither is John Stuart, the one who helped leak the info about Kyle Monrow

Dave: Are you telling me they are gone just like that?

Officer Doug nodded, walking away from Dave as his mother called, and he answered the phone.

Dave: Yes, mother?

???: If you wish to see your mother alive, bring me the Three Black Dragons and the Three Clovers

Dave tried to answer, but the call dropped as he stared at the back of Officer Doug, walking away with other officers.

Dave: My boys and my girls I can handle, but now my mom, what does my mother has to do with this

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