Yours, Ivan - James and Lily

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a/n: I am totally in love with this one shot, it was written on by Procrastinator-starting2moro
enjoy :)

James Potter reclined on one of the sofas in Head Tower's common room, his arms behind his back to use as headrests. He never once contemplated using the cushions to help him relax, instead hurling them to the ground which Lily Evans would later trip over in the mornings, spill the entire contents of her bag to the floor, and then grumble about being late to Arithmancy.

He was having his usual nap. He was accustomed to naps lately because, frankly, being Head Boy was tiring. Yes, technically Lily did most of the work, and yes, technically he should be in a Head meeting right now with a certain redhead - but who really cares about technicalities?

Tap tap.

Ignore it, he told himself. He kicked off his shoes, a foolish move as the footwear flew across the room and knocked over a lamp. Later Lily would complain at the top of her lungs and clean up after him as usual. James closed his eyes, ready for snoozing.

Tapity tap.

'Ignore it...'

Tap tapity tap tap, tap tap.

That had been rather a comical tune, James had thought.


"Alright!" He opened his eyes and sat up. He looked around for the source of the noise and discovered an owl hovering whilst it knocked its beak against one of the common room windows.

James - rather huffy - stormed to the window and opened it. "Look, owl," he addressed the bird. "Te owlry is back that way, mate. Just take a left back at the Astronomy tower—" he started to give directions, but suddenly let off a wail as the bird flew inside, flapping his wings at his face.

As James tried to shoo the owl away from attacking his head, he finally spotted the letter attached to his leg.

"Haven't you ever heard of arriving in the Great Hall in the mornings?" he grumbled. Once the owl had calmed down, he managed to untie the letter from its leg and the owl flew off out of the window with a furious hoot.

"Sodding birds!" He shook his fist after the creature, discovering the owl had left a lovely present of excrement on his shoulder.

Letting his eyes run over the front of the letter, he found it was addressed to Lily. No happy thoughts entered his mind - typical that the letter wasn't even to him after all that.

He tossed the letter on to the nearest desk and made his way back to the sofa. However, he found himself backtracking seconds later. He picked up the letter again, curious.

A letter from her parents? James thought, examining the scrawl of the address. The handwriting looks quite manly...

He found his fingers unexpectedly make for the seal, until he stopped himself.

Don't open it. It's private. Merlin, you were trying to smell her underwear yesterday and now you're opening her letters? He put the letter back down posthaste and wrapped his hands under his folded arms. Well done. You actually have self restraint! He congratulated himself.

Almost simultaneously, his hands gripped for the letter once more. He made himself miss and toppled into the table.

Bloody hell! James screamed at himself. Just leave the letter alone!

Determinedly, he began his walk over the couch, but found his legs not obeying his brain as he ran back over the table, picking up the letter yet again.

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