Chapter 12 : What A Wonderful World It Is

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(No one pov)

Everyone enjoy eating their pizza until there is only one slice left

Y/N : Hey...that slice is mine buddy.

Ruby : I touch it first.

X Chara : Hey it was near me so it mine.

Y/N : I the one who paid for it so it would be fair for me to get the last slice of it.

*Three of them arguring in the background*

On other table

Fell!sans : Are they seriously fight over each other for a pizza slice?

Blueberry : Goodthing i order a taco.

O!sans : *drink ketchup* Heh so childish.

Sans : ZzZ...ZzZ..

*Glass breaking*

Sans : Wha! What happen?

O!sans : Oh they really want that last slice isn't it*laughing*

Fell!sans : Who gonna pay for that window?

Blueberry : Y/N will pay for it he is the one who broke it.

On Y/N side

Y/N : Mine mine Mine MINE!!!

Y/N run to where pizza is falling

X chara teleport it to here hand

X Chara : Sike it mine now.

Ruby : Heh too slow~

Ruby run pass x chara and take and take a slice of pizza from her hand

Ruby : Gotta go fast.
*runnig sound*

Y/N : Oh no you don't *use telekinesis*

Ruby : (!) Noo.

Ruby hand slip and drop the pizza slice

Y,X!C : Crap.

The pizza land on a plate on the floor

Y,R,X!C : Phew...wait.

Annoying dog : *Bark*

Y,R,X!C : NOOoo!

The dog eat the pizza slice

Y/N : *Doom slayer mode activate*

Ruby : *summon asriel sword*

X Chara : *make demonic face*

Annoying dog : *bark*

Y/N : *sigh*Forget it.

Y/N get back to his seat

X Chara,Ruby : My pizza~*start to cry*

Y/N : We can order a new one my treat.
Damn that guilt feeling

Ruby : Really?

Her eye sparkle

X Chara : You will pay for it right?

Her eye sparkle

Y/N : Yeah.

X!C,R : Yay you are the best.

Both of them hug Y/N

O!sans : Oh not bad Y/N~

Fell!sans : Damn he is lucky.

Blueberry : I wanna get hug too.

Sans : When will i see the kid?

Y/N : Oh shut up you~ hehe*patting ruby and x chara head*

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