The Multiverse War Part 2.5

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*Epic Battle Start*

Epic : So how are we gonna do it bruh?

E!Papyrus : If what you say is true then our normal power won't be enough.

E!Chara : Well that leaving only one option.

Epic, E!Papyrus & E!Chara : Using the Power Of Meme!!!

X-Gaster : *Evil Laugh* Struggle all you want you can only delay the inevitable *Overwrite appear in front of X-Gaster* All of you jusy a pile of code waiting to be delete.

U!Error : Don't let him touch the button!!!

A beam coming at X-Gaster

Ink : (!) *Create a wall of ink protecting X-Gaster from the beam*

Color : Dammit!

Ink : I will take care of the rest.

X-Gaster : You sure you can take them on by yourself alone.

Ink : Don't worry i have this. *Showing a vail with dark red color*

X-Gaster : Ah so i not the only who got upgrade.

Ink : Haha let get this done i can't wait to see the new multiverse.

Ink then teleport next to Color and kick him

Color : What th- *Get kick in the gut* AH!!!

Color get send flying from the impact

Ink : *holding a brush* Come!

Back to Epic

X-Gaster : *About to press the Overwrite button*

Epic appear behide X-Gaster

Epic : I like You Cut G!!! *Slap*


Once the smoke is clear it show that X-Gaster have create a barrier around him to protect him from the explosion

X-Gaster : Is that all?

Epic : No...But thank for asking *Snap finger*

10 Epic Blaster have been summon and aim at X-Gaster

X-Gaster : It futile!

E!Papyrus : It isn't over yet Breh!!! *Have 20 SE!Blaster aiming at X-Gaster*

*Epic Blaster firing sound*


The blast almost break the barrier X-Gaster Create

X-Gaster : Tch *Overwrite : Hack Epic Code*

Epic : Bruh don't let him touch it!!!

X-Gaster : Too late!!!

*Sound of beam charging*

E!Chara : Get Rekt!

X-Gaster : (!) What the?!

X-Gaster see a 100 of chaos blaster aiming at him

E!Chara : Thank to you guy i can summon this many without him knowing.

X-Gaster : Dammit!!! *Overw-*

X-Gaster get slam down to the ground by telekinesis

Epic : Got em Bruh now is yo- What the Bruh!!!

The Multiverse Traveler(UndertaleAU X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now