Chapter 3

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Sorry I haven't updated in forever. If you had read chapter 2 before this update, can you please go back and reread it. I changed it quite a bit.

Thank you for sticking to this story. I honestly can't believe it has over 75 reads.

To the story!

Kirishima came by your room, after you finished setting up for the night, the iron chains hanging from the ceiling and walls, with iron cuffs that you had tested. They were all strong enough to hold you, only one breaking, but it was a thinner chain that was supposed to be in your mouth. It was a good thing that the iron muzzle was supplied. The knock on your door pulled you from your thoughts, the black coming back after the burns healed from touching the iron.

Opening the door with a cloth, you were greeted with his sharp, shark toothed smile, wearing casual clothing now. A red shirt with the letter DJ on it, and a bandanna around his head, that held all of his hair that began to droop into his face. But the crocs threw you off a bit, wondering why he was wearing the big, rubber shoes.

"Everyone's now in their dorms and I can show you the school now." He smiled warmly, the black on your feathers seeming to pulse from the smile alone.

You didn't say a word, just followed him through the hallway to the elevator, Kirishima not trying to break the silence, much to your relief. When on the ground floor, everyone was chatting and laughing, you hearing them talking about what you must be like. There were voices who called to Kirishima when he rounded the corner, that he returned with a hi and smile.

It was a drastic change when you stepped out into the common area, everyone staring at you, with wide eyes. You recognized the fear in the eyes of several of the students, others glaring, trying to mask their fear with anger. It was clear that they all knew who you were, what you are, and what you had done.

The only ones in the room who didn't seem all that fazed was a bird headed guy, a girl who resembled a frog, who only cocked her head as you entered, and a tail guy, with white hair and a blue mask over his face. A girl with brown hair and pink cheeks was holding back a tall boy with blue hair and glasses, helped by a boy with untamed, green hair and freckles under his green eyes. They were whispering harshly to each other, the two trying to keep the blue haired boy from approaching you.

Looking away, you just walked out the door, where Kirishima was waiting, looking at his classmates with confusion, before shrugging and leaving with you. You two walked in silence, Kirishima trying to subtle while studying you, trying to figure out the reason for their strange behavior. He was hunched over slightly, his face frozen forward, but his eyes were scanning you, trying to figure it out without you noticing. You turn your head to meet his gaze, unimpressed with his attempt to being subtle.

"Sorry." He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "I was just trying to figure out why all of them suddenly went quite when you entered the room."

He really doesn't know. And that's a good thing. No it's bad. His ignorance of your past will make him more trusting. And that's worse. He wouldn't notice it's missing until it's too late. And that's why it's bad that he doesn't know. Why won't you let me feed anymore?. You know why.

"Hey, Y/n." Kirishima said, waving a hand in front of your face, and breaking you away from the battle in your mind.

He was holding onto your shoulders, your body leaning forward slightly, and you only just realized that you had tripped. Looking back, you saw that it was a rouge tree root, having veered off of the path enough to trip on one. Your eyes went up, meeting the bright, red eyes of Kirishima, his face holding concern, his chest firm. 

"You just started staring off and ended up tripping." He explained, his eyes not leaving your (e/c) ones. "Are you okay?"

Not knowing why, your cheeks grew hot and you quickly pulled away, nodding slowly, trying not to act fazed. When he just kept looking over you for injuries, you kept walking to the school, your heart beating fast in your chest. That was the first, actual, human touch you felt in years, and it felt... nice. The warmth of his hands while they held your shoulders, the firm chest and his reassuring grip. Shaking the thoughts away, you stopped when Kirishima stopped at the school entrance, the loud guy from before with standing, yellow hair standing in front of the door.

"Hey little listeners." He greeted, his yellow sunglasses glinting in the sun while he smiled. "Just be aware that other teachers are working. So you gotta be quite so you don't interrupt the broadcast."

"Sure thing." Kirishima reassured, walking into the building. "I'll show you where the classroom is first."

You could feel the eyes of the teacher still on you, able to feel his tension. Ignoring it for now, you just followed Kirishima to the classroom. The halls were silent, and left you to your thoughts again, Kirishima respecting your want for silence.

"We're here." He smiled, after a few minutes of walking, rubbing the back of his neck. "We don't have permission to go into the classroom, so I can only show you where it is."

You look up at the door, wondering why it had to be so big, a sign next to the door reading 1A. You nodded, and he continued with the tour, going to every room that you needed to know the location of, like the cafeteria and changing rooms. The tour went outdoors, where he showed you ground Beta, pointing exact across where ground gamma was.

The sun was starting to set, when the tour finally finished, and you needed to get to your room anyway. Kirishima was comfortable with you, and you actually felt like your life wasn't crap with him around. The small smile that was slowly started to form on your face, was instantly crushed back into a neutral line at a thought that came across your mind. Entering the dorms, you left for your room, silence behind you until you entered the elevator, your heart dropping when you heard them ask.

"Do you know who she is? Or at least, what she's done?"

Super sorry again for not updating sooner. Will try to update every chance I get.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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