Chapter 3

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Keala: Well let's go the circus set is right behind us!

(Daya runs to the circus scene where Zac and hugh are rehearsing)

Zac: You wanna try daya?

Daya: you bet! Race you!

(Daya won she just doesn't wanna rub it in)

Zac: There's only one problem I don't know how to set it up

Daya: Well quickly I do

(Daya quickly sets up the rigging)

Rebeca: No offence to daya but this will be funny hopefully they don't get hurt.

Daya: we'll see

(The rigging suddenly jerks daya up into the air daya swings to the balcony to regain control of the spinning ropes)

Daya: wow that was the coolest thing i've ever done in my life

Hugh: well you better get used to it cause you'll be doing it a lot

Machelle: Uh Is that actually daya or her double

Keala: that's daya she must not have a double

(Daya Regains control of the ropes and jumps of the balcony)

Daya: Boom!(For some reason I say that a lot.)

Zac Ima come up too

(Zac comes up the stairs and jumps of the balcony just as daya had done)

Zac: Oh woah this is way harder than i thought

Daya: Uh i've been up here for a few minutes already and i'm fine how come you are dropping and it's been a few seconds

(Zac loses his grip and falls, luckily, his harness catches him.)

Zac: Oh woah

Daya: oh phew you had a harness

Zac: uh a little help here

(Daya spins over and grabs zac and he hangs from daya's free arm)

Daya: Oh wow no offence but your heavy

(Daya and Zac hook their feet around the railing of the balcony and jump over the railing onto the balcony)

Michel Gracey: Wow Daya you're impressive! Zac, please practice a bit more.

Daya: (I was pretty much bursting with pride.)Thank you! Zac also did pretty well, for his first time.

Zac: I should have gotten a rigging to practice on like you. (I was kinda embarrassed cause a GIRL, of all people, had been better than me.)

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