Little Tweets of Horror

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The following is a collection of microfiction horror stories which are written to fit within the 140 character limit of a simple tweet. I call this 'Twitter Horror'. They are of course not complete narratives  by their very nature, but rather vignettes, flashes of moments of terror, captured feelings, sensations, fears which I find both fascinating, and frightening. I hope you do too. 

Some are funny, others hopefully creepy, but think of this as an experiment. A way for me to develop more story ideas. Something to pass the time before my book 'Bedtime and Other Tales of Terror' is released. Please, let me know which stories you enjoy the idea of and I will expand them into something much longer. 

Please feel free to tweet or share the stories, but attach my name, Facebook page or Twitter to the posts.

I'll add to these until there are a hundred or so. It should be fun, and I hope you enjoy these little glimpses of the unseen, the uncanny, and the unknown. 

Now onwards, wary traveller...

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