Chapter 3

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Me and Nina finally decided to leave the park so our parents wouldn't think that we had been kidnapped or killed. Luckily, my parents were not that worried about me and instead asked me if I had seen my brother today. Wonderful, more bad news about him. But this time I didn't care. I felt like something within me had frozen - most likely my compassion and empathy- and I simply could not bring myself to care. I showered, got into bed and slept like a brick.

Over the next few weeks, my life managed to get progressively worse. First, I found out that my brother would not be coming back home. He texted my mother saying that he was moving in with a friend and that he needs space from everything that went on but that he is safe and he loves us all. What an absolute dipshit. But hey, at least I didn't have to pretend to worry about him anymore.

Ever since that first at of rebellion with Nina, I had been chasing that same euphoric feeling and my emotions have been shut off. The school dealer became my best friend and me and Nina just tested new limits every single day. It was so fun and even though I knew it was bad, I knew this was the life I wanted to live.

Within 6 weeks, me and Nina had gone from smoking the occasional joint to having to go to the bathroom to rail lines of coke in between lessons just to wake ourselves up a little and make them bearable. We had decided that we would move out with Nina's older boyfriend and his best friend who I had been fooling around with and we would live a fun life, where I could forget about all the studious wizard bullshit and finally be myself. Nothing made me feel more beautiful or amazing than visiting my fling and spending quality time with him getting high, fucking, and then forgetting it all the next day.

Honestly, I felt as though life was going pretty well and I was completely content with living the rest of my life this way. One usual day, me and Nina were heading back from her boyfriend's apartment, giggling and chatting while cutting through the quiet backstreets. We were a little buzzed, but not enough for it to be obvious. It was absolute perfection. Nina's house was the first stop so I dropped her off there then put my headphones in, put my playlist on shuffle, and continued on home.

When I got home, any of the remnants of the buzz I still had flooded out of me and were replaced with an icy feeling. There were two police cars outside my house. Fuck. They found my stash. They know. I was shaking by the time i got to the front door but I paused in front of it to breathe and steady myself as much as I could. No one would even turn me in because no one really knew. This was ridiculous and I was being overly paranoid. My confident persona slipped right back on and I opened the door and waltzed right in, looking like I had no care in the world. Good.

Not so good: my mother crying in the kitchen and my father sitting at the table with his head in his hands while two policemen explained something to them calmly. I could also hear some commotion upstairs, they were definitely rifling through my stash and I was gonna go to prison. I knew I should've ran away the moment I saw their cars parked outside. Oh well, it was too late now.

"What's going on?" I asked, trying to hide the fear from my voice.

"Alexis!" my mother called out, as though she had just now noticed I was even there. That was probably the case.

"Sit down, and we will explain everything in detail. We have not been here long so you haven't missed anything" one of the police officers said kindly. He was tall and thin and had icy blue eyes that could see right through my confident bullshit. I was for sure going to jail tonight.

I sat down on a chair at the table next to my father apprehensively and paid close attention to the officers. The shorter and older police officer began to speak. He had darker hair and tired brown eyes, like he had seen some real shit in his career.

"I am so sorry to have had to inform you of the news ma'am but we have undeniable evidence that your son's death was a drug deal gone wrong" he droned on, making sure to sound sympathetic.

What. The. Fuck.

And I had been wasting my life away with drugs these past few weeks to help me cope with the fact that my brother abandoned the family and the family tension that arose because of that. No. This wasn't happening. This was utter insanity. I never felt worse about myself than in that moment. I wanted to swear to myself and to my brother that I would never touch a drug again, but I knew it was futile. How else was I going to successfully cope with knowing that I will never see him again, that he will never come back home to have a stupid argument with me?! With fucking magic?!

"We believe that he began making purchases that he could not afford from a rather dangerous individual. We have checked financial records and bank transfers from your son's accounts and we observed that he sent money into a suspicious account on a daily basis and took out loans so that he could continue doing so, until he simply had no more money left." he stated, so matter of factly that I felt like punching him in the face. "

"Addiction is truly insidious and I am very sorry for your loss" he added, when he saw my mother begin to wail.

"Tell me who did this" my father demanded.

"We cannot disclose that information right now sir. But what we can tell you is that your son was staying with a friend but that house became unsafe for them as this dangerous individual was very set on getting his money. We believe your son grew tired of the stalking and had a confrontation which resulted in fatal wounds. He was found dead at the scene and there was no trace of his assailant" he stated.

I honestly did not want to hear any more of this. I had had enough for a lifetime. My mind was racing as I was trying to think about what to do next, how I was going to live with myself after all of this, how I was going to live without my brother.

The other two police officers then decide to make their way down the stairs, clutching a bag of white powder and another bag of little pills, in all the colours of the rainbow.

My fucking stash. So this is what they really came for. I couldn't risk going to jail now. I had to kill whoever took my brother away from me and I would not rest until I did.

"Ah yes, I feared this would happen. As you can see, your daughter has unfortunately gone down the same path. We are not here to judge, we just wanted to make sure our suspicions are correct before we suggest a witness protection programme for your family" he droned on.

I felt as though my heart had stopped. The look my mother gave me could've cut through diamond. I could see the absolute anger and disappointment in her tear-filled eyes.

I honestly cannot recall much of what happened after that. My parents continued to talk to the police officers while I sat at the table with my head down in utter shame. I just remember my mum sitting down next to me after the officers were gone and telling me, in a definite tone:

"That's it! I'm calling your grandfather and you are going to Hogwarts!"

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