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"I'll go get drinks" Tsukishima said "i'll go with you" you said but he refuse and asked what you wanted. "I'll be back, i'll talk to the teacher about something said" Yachi said and both left leaving Yamaguchi and you alone.

"y/n" Yamaguchi started you hum in response "I like someone but I dont know how to tell her" Yamaguchi said. In your eye there were stars, you got excited hearing Yamaguchi liked someone "how did you start liking her?" You asked excited to know "Well it was somewhat love at first site, she's a special one. you can say but i have notice many guys confess to her and she always reject them" Yamaguchi said as he looked down at his food. you take a bit of your onigiri as you keep listening

"I know its one sided because I have find out that she likes already someone" Yamaguchi said with a sad tone "It doesn't hurt confessing, sometimes its better to confess then hold in the emotions. You might haven even heard wrong about the guy she likes" You said trying to cheer your friend up

"you might be right, i think i'll confess before we leave for training camp" Yamaguchi said "Say Do i know this girl?" You asked curios "Well umm-"

"I have your strawberry milk, and your green tea" Tsukishima walked in "did you get Yachi's drink?" you asked seeing he only has 3 drinks in his hand "I was about to but she said forget it" Tsukishima said sitting beside you. you in the middle of both boys

"Excited for the training camp?" you ask closing your bento and grabbing your handkerchief to whip you lips "Yes but shouldn't you be eating more Y/n" Yamaguchi said "I'm on a diet" you said "But you always leave you plate over half full and you only ate an onigiri" Yamaguchi said "Tadashi is right, you should eat more" Tsukishima said drinking his strawberry milk

"but-" "no buts you have to eat more, we dont want you to be getting sick" Yamaguchi said opening her bento "Eat at least your vegetables" Yamaguchi said and you nodded

'I- I will confess'


"Meet at school at midnight on Friday so we can get to Saitama" Coach Ukai said and everyone nodded and soon everyone go into practice

"Everyone seem to be more focus than usual" You said and Yachi nodded "Yes they been practicing more harder this time since they know we are going to practice with nekoma again" Kiyoko said and we nodded.some moves were sloppy and didn't go well. but they keep working "It seem like they are remodeling their whole game set" You said under your breath

Soon they had a short break. You an the managers pass out their waters and their towels "Thank you Yachi" Hinata said grabbing the towel to remove his sweat "here Yamaguchi, Kei" You handed them their things

"I see you are still improving your serve Yams! keep it up I know you will do it perfectly in no time" You said and Yamaguchi nodded and you turn your head towards Tsukishima"Kei you blocks are still weak" You said he just turn his head and you heard a 'tsk'.

'did i hurt his feeling? Oh no i should apologize' You felt bad, you were about to apologize but they went on with practice. leaving you feel guilty


"Kei are we walking together?" you asked Tsukishima standing in front of him "Sorry Chibi Princess but I need to go" Tsukishima said leaving you. "D-did I hurt his feeling?" You asked your self. your heart ache as tears start forming "Don't worry he's probably have some issues" Yamaguchi said placing a hand on your head. you looked up to him with tears in your eye. He taken back, blushes

"C'mon I'll walk you" Yamaguchi says grabbing his hand and walking towards the school gate 'should i confess now?'

"Y/n"/"Yamaguchi" You both said at the same time "oh you go first y/n" Yamaguchi said you nodded "Thank you for always being there for me" You said smiling. He tighten his hand around your small one. he gulps as his cheeks start heating up

"I love you!" Yamaguchi said with his eyes closed and looking down. You stayed quiet, you pull you hand away he felt it he looks up and feels arms around his neck. he was shock but wrap his arm around you waist hugging you back

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, Sorry, sorry" You keep repeating it as you cried in his right shoulder "Tadashi-kun I'm so sorry!" You called him by his first name which made him cry into your left shoulder

"I'm sorry I can't return the feeling back to you" You said pulling way "You are amazing Tadashi-kun but my heart belongs to someone else and I love them even thought I know they'll never like me back but just staying by his side will be just fine for me" You said with your hands up to her heart in a fist

"Tadashi-kun you will find the one for you, you'll see. We all have a soulmate, someone we can call our own" You said smiling looked up to him as he whip a tear and nodded "you might even meet someone in the least expected way" you said wiping another tear of his

"When are you gonna confess to Tsukki?" Yamaguchi ask which caught you off guard. you closed your eyes and thought about it. you smiled and open your eyes "Never"

'I must never confess to him because I love him to much to lose him'

My Princess [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now