Orientation Day

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It was time for Hope to return to the Salvatore School. She didn't want to, nor did she feel the need to, but her aunt Freya thought otherwise. Summer had just ended and all the students were returning to campus. Hope moved her boxes herself to her room. It wasn't the same room she had before, she was sharing this one with a roommate, she just didn't know who. She went back outside to grab her last few boxes when she saw Stephanie Salvatore and her parents. 

She knew who they were and what they looked like but she had never met them. She saw Stephanie's mother, Elena Gilbert's jaw drop. Elena introduced herself to Hope. "Hi, I'm Elena. I'm Stephanie's mother. You must be Hope" Elena said as she put her hand out. "And you must be the ex vampire who killed my uncle Kol and tried kill my father several times" Hope said with a sarcastic smile, ignoring Elena's hand. She saw Elena's surprised face and felt some satisfaction. "Wow.. okay.." Elena said as she walked back to her daughter and husband. Hope scoffed, what reaction was Elena expecting from her? 

She went back to her room to find Penelope as her new roommate. She rolled her eyes and ignored her presence. "Look who's back?" Penelope said with a smirk on her face. Hope continued to ignore her as she unpacked. "So here are some ground rules, you stay on your side and no tv past 9. And no snoring, I'm a  light sleeper" Penelope said with a fake smile. "Here's what we're gonna do" Hope began as she turned towards Penelope. "You don't get to make rules, I'll do whatever the hell I want and you don't talk to me, like ever" Hope said, mimicking Penelope's fake smile. "Wow you've really turned into a bitch" Penelope said as she rolled her eyes. "And you stayed a miserable one" Hope snapped back as she left her room to get some air. 

As she walked down the hall, Landon stopped her to say hi. Hope ignored him and kept walking, that guy was more bland than vanilla ice cream. "Wait Hope!" Landon called out as he ran after her. "What do you want?" Hope asked annoyed. "What happened to you?  I thought we had something.." Landon said, hurt. Hope let out a laugh. "We danced three years ago, I only remember because you ruined my shoes. Let it go" Hope said as she shook her head and left. 

She was confused as to why people spoke to her like a lost puppy. Maybe the grief changed her? Or it just revealed who she always was.

It was time for orientation and Ms. Forbes stood in front of the school. "Welcome back students, for our new students, I'm Caroline Forbes, your headmaster. Ms. Bennet is the head of our witch department and Mr. Lockwood is the head of our werewolf department. I am the head of our vampire department. Mr. Saltzman is our history teacher. We're all here to help you and you can always come to us" Caroline said as she smiled. 

"Also a reminder that the Founder's Day ball is tomorrow night. Have a great first day everyone!" Caroline said as she smiled and waved goodbye to her students. Everyone got up and headed to their homeroom classes. 

Caroline took a deep breathe. "I'm so glad you guys are here" Caroline said as she hugged both Tyler and Bonnie. "I'm glad to, I mean at first I really didn't want to but when I triggered the curse, I was so scared but I had you. These kids need someone to be there for them too" Tyler said. "Yeah, I wanna pass down all the things my Grams taught me" Bonnie said.

Hope went to the Mystic Grill to have lunch with her aunts. "Hope!" Rebekah and Freya yelled as they hugged her. "Hey Aunty Freya and Aunty Becks" Hope said as she smiled. "So tell us about your first day back" Freya said. "It's tedious, really. I don't need to be there, I'm 17 and there's nothing new they can teach me. Plus I met Elena Gilbert today, you were right about her. She's so fake" Hope said in annoyance. "Elena bloody Gilbert? I don't know why she's still in this town" Rebekah laughed. "Hope, you're a first born Mikaelson witch. You don't need them to learn spells but they can help you learn control" Freya said.

"I feel angry when I'm there. I'm reminded of all the people that hated us. Tyler Lockwood did try to kill me and my mother when she was pregnant. Besides, they want me there so I can protect them or so I'm some sort of trophy that they collected. Hey look everybody, we got the one and only tribrid. They may need me but I don't need them" Hope said. Before either of her aunts could respond, Landon came to take their orders. "Oh.. hey Hope!" Landon said. "Can we just get a large plate of cheesy fries?" Hope asked. Landon quietly nodded and took their menus.

"Just try for one more week, okay?" Freya asked. "Fine, only for you" Hope said. "I personally hate this town. The Mystic Grill doesn't even serve good food, people come here to get drunk or plot some plan" Rebekah said. "It doesn't seem so bad" Freya said laughing. "It will soon" Rebekah said. Landon came with their food and they sat together enjoying themselves. Hope never took family for granted after her parents death. Her mother and father taught her that family is power. 

Hope headed back to the school and to the kitchen. As she poured herself a glass of water and smelled a werewolf behind her. "It's rude to sneak up on people" she said as she turned around to see Rafael. "Sorry.. I was just going to ask how you're doing" he said. "Fine" Hope said trying to keep things short. "I don't believe you.." Rafael said, trying to read her. "And I don't care" Hope said as she left to go upstairs. 

Hope walked into her room to find Penelope and Josie all over each other. Once Josie saw Hope she jumped up and apologized. "I don't care, just try not to be too loud" Hope said as she laid down. "Tell Jo" Penelope joked. Jo pushed Penelope in embarrasment and they both laughed. 


[ Hi people! So I didn't like how weak they made Hope on Legacies so this is my version. Plus I think Hope should have her family with her. I wanted to keep the tvd and to universe in the story. And in this version she is a little dark after her parents death, which I personally think is realistic. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy!! ]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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