Chapters 1-3

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I'm gonna post the chapters in parts of 3, because I know how annoying it is to have to keep scrolling lol


Chapter 1

I've always known there was something more to this world.

So, my story starts in second grade. I was only about 9 back then, but I was really inquisitive, and I've never really been the type to accept normal life.

I'm not really sure when it started or why, but I was convinced there were ghosts in the bathroom. (Don't worry, I don't believe in ghosts anymore lol)

Naturally, I wanted to investigate, but not alone. But who could I tell? There wasn't really anyone to talk to except my classmates.

Back then no one really judged each other, so I wasn't really that nervous about talking about this kind of stuff.

I remember I started by telling my small little friend group, but then soon they started telling their friends, and it was a full on rumor soon. I've always been the type to start thing like that lol.

And you know what? They believed me. Not only that, they took an active interest!

I had basically a whole team of "researchers" with me, and it was amazing! No more boredom for us!

Buuuut eventually the yard duty heard about all of this, and decided to put a stop to it. Unfortunately that meant him yelling at the top of his lungs at all of us.

Back then I thought it was just normal for a huge male yard duty to yell at us, but now that I look back on it we were little kids, and he probably should have gotten fired.

But anyway, so after me and all of my friends were yelled at, and we all ended up breaking down and crying, it basically ended. Except for me and one friend.

I really don't give up easily...

We ended up continuing for a while, but soon I found out that I had to move.

And my paranormal past followed me.


Chapter 2

So, the next year I noticed the same 'paranormal activities' seemed to occur in the bathroom of my new school. Something just didn't feel right, and I wasn't really sure why. Like there was something waiting for me to discover it.

I had to tell someone.

I figured that I should probably do what I did before and hope it worked.

Once again the only people I could tell were my classmates. Luckily some of them really did believe me.

Although less people believed me this time, I still had people. We formed a whole research team once again, but for some reason the next day they just lost interest...

I would always find a new piece of info, and then there would be a huge thing that recess, but the next day they just forgot about it.

As this was all happening, I started to explore a whole new idea. Alternate Dimensions. I kinda grew up with books and movies about alternate universes, like Coraline and The Chronicles of Narnia, and I really wanted to find one myself.

I wanted so terribly to research on my own, knowing I could find a lot more crazy stuff and go on awesome adventures! Unfortunatly couldn't do it alone.

The next year or two less and less people believed me, and eventually I decided to just forget about it. Back then I was convinced that all that research was worthless, and my teachers would constantly tell me to pay more attention in school and not be writing down all of it.

I mean, I was going to middle school! Surely I could leave it all behind me, right?



Chapter 3

So I started my 6th grade year in middle school, and I still did do a little bit of paranormal stuff, but for the most part I just tried to live a normal life.

Emphasis on the *tried* part.

I mean, for half of the year everything was fine! That is until my past came back to haunt me.

Back in my elementary school days I used to make a lot of cootie catchers, for some reason that was just my thing. I would put the magical elements like Fire, Water, etc. on them, and put stuff like 'Angels' and  'Demons' and 'Magic'.

I was really bored in class one day, so I decided to make a cootie catcher just like the old days. Bad idea. Or... maybe it was a good idea, I'm not really sure.

I decided that maybe I could put different dimensions, like the Demon Realm and Water Realm and things like that, and whatever Realm I got I would pretend to travel to.

I dunno man, it was a moment of desperation, I was REALLY bored...

But anyway! So, it was just a dumb little imaginary game. Except it ended up bringing all of my past back.

The little dimension game ended up getting scary real, and of course now that it was middle school literally no one believed me. It really all felt different, like when I traveled to the Water Realm I would literally see a faint outline of water rushing around me.

I tried to tell my old friend about it, but he just dismissed me. It was awful. I guess I can't really blame him though, back them I had no idea what I was talking about, and I probably sounded insane.

So, about a week after this dimension game it was time for Spring Break. I decided that I wanted to start researching all of this again, so I decided I wanted to summon a spirit.

Probably the best thing I've ever done, even if I never really summoned a real ghost.

His name is Kōri, it's Japanese for Ice. There were a whole bunch more "ghosts" too.

Eventually I realized that they weren't spirits, but rather imaginary friends. It felt stupid that I had imaginary friends back then, but... it was nice having them around.

Eventually it was time to go back to school, and I decided to take them with me, but that day I ended up forgetting all about them. I tried again the next day, bit the same thing happened.

'I guess that was just a Spring Break thing wasn't it?' I thought to myself. 'Maybe I'll just forget about it, I'll just say that was a weird time in my life, and that it didn't mean anything.'

I should've known by then it was impossible to just forget about these things.

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