14 - Katsuki's Dorm

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Bakugo's POV

Damn what could be taking her so long? I told her like ten minutes ago to come down so what could she be doing? As I sent her another text asking, I heard some talking in the hall. It sounded like Round-face and Pinkie... and is the (y/n)? I sat on my bed for a second listening to muffled talking. Then I decided that I should probably change out of my uniform, so I stood up and started changing. I changed my pants and then grabbed a shirt and walked over to sit on my bed. When all of a sudden (y/n) barged in and slammed the door behind her. I just stared at her as she started to speed through an explanation. Tch, not like I mind her coming in... even if I am shirtless. As she finished speaking, I stood up and walked over to her. 

"Oi, look at me dumbass." I said, putting one hand on the wall next to her and one hand on her chin, forcing her to look up. She started blushing. "I don't mind so don't go apologizing, got that?" I said leaning closer to her. She looked away.

"O-okay.." Then she pushed past me and went to sit on my bed. "So uh, what did you want me to come down here for?" She asked looking back at me for a second before turning and looking out the window. I walked over and sat next to her. 

"What? I can't want my girlfriend to come down so I can see her beautiful face?" I asked smirking at her. She started blushing uncontrollably when we locked eyes. Then she lightly pushed me.

"Come on you can't say things like that!" She said all frustrated. I pushed her back lightly.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want." We then started shoving at each other, play-fighting until I was done with it and pinned her on the bed. She looked away from me again. "Why won't you look at me (y/n)? What? Do you not like what you see?" I said smirking as I let out a small chuckle. I could see her face turning bright red.

"N-no it's not that.. I just.. I get flustered pretty easily..." 

"Ha dumbass I know that already but you shouldn't when it comes to me." I paused for a second before leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Especially after what you wrote on that note..." I pulled back a little bit to see how nervous she looked. After a moment, she looked me right in the eyes.

"You know, now that I think about it Katsuki," she gently pushed me off of her and sat up before continuing. "You were almost like a completely different person when you asked me out than you are any other time.." My eyes widened a little bit before I retorted.

"Tch yeah whatever, so what?" I said crossing my arms as I looked away scowling. Damn, she's got a point, I was so fucking pathetic when I asked her. I probably sounded like a desperate wimp... Then I felt a peck on the cheek and I turned back to face her.

"It's nothing, I just kinda think it's cute. And don't think that you always have to act all tough around me, I like who you are, not who you force yourself to pretend to be..." I felt myself relax a little bit before leaning in and kissing her. She was surprised at first but then started kissing me back. Harder. Until we were making out.

(y/n)'s POV

Wow, he is a really good kisser... I thought as he pinned me back down and our lips were still locked. His hand was caressing my cheek lightly, as our tongues started fighting for dominance.. he won but I kinda let him. Then his kisses started trailing down my jawline, to my neck. "Mmm.." My eyes widened a little bit... Shit I did NOT mean to do that... I could feel Katsuki's smirk against my skin. I glanced down at him quickly, he obviously liked that little moan. His hand started trailing down to my hips as he pulled me a little closer to him. 

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Katsuki stopped kissing me and both of our eyes widened, staring at the door. "Hey Bakugo, wanna come hang out?" I could hear Kirishima's voice on the other side of the door. We looked at each other before I stood up and gave Katsuki a panicked look. 

"What do we do?" I whispered to him.

"I don't know I mean it's fine that you're in here isn't it?" He whispered back.

"I mean I guess but I don't want them making assumptions. And I'm pretty sure if Iida found out, he would tell Aizawa-sensei and that wouldn't go well."

"Uh could you possibly fly out of here and to your room?" I gave him the are-you-kidding-me? look. He sighed. "Fine, just hide in my closet." I walked over and into the closet as he went to the door. I left the door cracked just barely so I could see what's going on.

"What do you extras want?" He asked the guys at the door. It was Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari. 

"Woah Bakugo, couldn't you at least put a shirt on before answering the door? Like you took forever and a half to open the door and yet you don't have a shirt on?" Kaminari said, irritating Katsuki.

"SHUT UP DUNCE FACE!" He yelled back as he walked over to the bed where his shirt was laying. Then the guys proceeded to walk in after him.

"We were just wondering if you wanted to hang out with us? Since we have the camp tomorrow, we were gonna go to the arcade for a while if you wanna come with."

"Tch, sure whatever." He said pulling his shirt on and grabbing his dorm room key that was on the desk. 

"Oh we should ask the others too right? Like Uraraka and Ashido. Ooh and we can invite Okumura too. Huh Bakugo?" Sero asked raising an eyebrow, semi-mocking Katsuki.


"No reason..." He responded, as the guys let out a small chuckle.

"I can go get her, you guys wanna go get the other two?" Kaminari asked. Oh my, if he goes up to get me and I'm not there...

"No way Dunce Face, I'll go get her. After all, she is my g-girlfriend." 

"Oh my goodness did the great Bakugo Katsuki just stutter??" Kaminari said looking at Kirishima and Sero.

"NO YOU FUCKING NERDS NOW GET OUT OF MY FACE!" Katsuki said as the guys speed-walked out of the room. "I'll meet you guys downstairs with (y/n) in a few." He said shutting the door. I let out a small sigh as I stepped out of the closet. 

"You know, you didn't have to be so mean to them, they were just trying to be good friends."

"Tch." He rolled his eyes.

"And by the way," he looked over at me. "I thought that little stutter was cute." I said smiling, as I walked up to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. He started blushing uncontrollably before denying it.

"I did NOT stutter. You're hearing things dumbass." He said as he grabbed his shoes and walked towards the door. 

"Wait, we gotta make sure that they already got Ochaco and Mina and went downstairs." I said grabbing his wrist before walking towards the door and putting my ear against it to see if they were talking out there. I didn't hear anything. "Okay I think we're good to go." Then I felt a gentle tug on my hand and Katsuki pulled his arm free. I looked back at him, and he didn't look as confident as usual. "Hey, Katsuki, you okay?" I asked taking a small step towards him. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled my into a hug, wrapping my arms around him. My eyes widened a little bit. "K-Katsuki??" I said a little surprised before hugging back. 

"What dumbass?"

"N-nothing... I just wasn't expecting it is all." I said closing my eyes for a moment and leaning my head onto his chest. I could hear his heart beating. We stood there for a couple more seconds before letting go and heading downstairs to meet our friends.


Author's Note (feel free to skip this if you don't wanna read it): Hey guys!! I am so sorry for the slow updates, I've been pretty busy with school work but I'll do my best to keep it going at a good pace. And I just wanna say thank you so much to the people that have supported this story, I know there aren't many of you but I still can't believe that anybody would read this. I love you guys so much, you have no idea how much it means to me that people have commented or voted on any of these chapters. I greatly appreciate it and I will do my best to make you guys happy with my writing!! :)

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