chapter two

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It was a hot sunny afternoon, every one felt like they were put above fire. Anisah laid her head on her mothers lap as she braided Anisah's long silky hair.

"Mummy there's someone here to see you" Ibrahim said in a nonchalant tone.
"Who is that person?" Anisah's mum asked.

"It's the madam's son, Waleed" Ibrahim said as though he was forced to bring out every word he uttered.

"Tell him to come in please" Anisah's mum said in all enthusiasm, making Anisah silently hiss. Ibrahim walked to the door and opened it for Waleed who stood impatiently to come in.

Waleed walked in in all glory with his hand stock in is pocket. "Waleed come over here" Anisah's mum called from where she sat and Waleed strolled over there. He stared at Anisah's hair as it danced on her back from the gentle wind blowing as a gift of nature.

"What brings you here son. Take a seat on the mat please" Anisah's mum said and he took a seat close to Anisah who hissed a little too loudly. But thankfully her mum did not hear but Waleed did and rolled his eyes in response.

"Mummy i came to inform you that i will be traveling to Paris to further my education" Waleed said in a very enthusiastic tone.

"Wow, Masha Allah. That is great news" Anisah's mum said. She was indeed happy about Waleed's Achievement.

"When are you leaving?" Anisah's mum asked.
"I'll be leaving today insha Allah mummy" Waleed said.

"Alhamdudilah (Glory be to Allah)" Anisah mumbled happily at hearing the great news of waleed going away.

"How long will you stay there?" Asked Anisah's mum as she braids a part of Anisah's hair.

"I'll be spending six years there. That's the course duration" Waleed said and Anisah's joy knew no bound. Finally the Annoying rich brat will be leaving.

"Six years?. That's a lot my son" Anisah's mum said sadly.
"Yeah but i have no choice. My dreams are finally coming true, Fashion school is one of the most competitive schools in Paris and only the best can get in" Waleed said proudly which made Anisah hiss.

"Okay my dear. May Allah guide and protect you and may you emerge with flying colors. I know that one day you'll become a top male clothing designer and I'm sure you'll make me proud" Anisah's mum said.

"Insha Allah mummy. Well i must take my leave now, my phone is buzzing which means the driver is ready" Waleed said which made a very broad smile which didn't go unnoticed by him emerge on Anisah's face.

"Okay my son" Anisah's mum said as she parked Anisah's braided her in a beautiful bun. "May Allah guide you" Anisah's mum added and Waleed muttered an Ameen.

"Anisah won't you tell him Good bye" Anisah's mum asked Anisah who in no way cared if he would come back or not.

"Bye Waleed" Anisah said as though she was bidding him Good bye forever.
"Thanks" Waleed mumbled while standing on his feet.

"I'll miss you my son" Anisah's mum said.
"I'll miss you too mummy and please promise me that if i get back you'll make me your famous sweet rice!" Waleed said which earned him a hiss from Anisah once again.

"I promise" Her mum said and she mentally face palmed herself. If only her mum knew the devil behind the sweet face before her.

"Make sure you don't forget how to speak igala ooo" Anisah's mum said and he chuckled.

"I won't, ùné kè gbêyou ìshi mì (I can't forget my tribe)" he spoke in his local dialect which made Anisah's mouth go agape. So he could even speak it, she thought.

"Àgbásho (well done)" Anisah's mum said and he smiled. "And don't forget how to speak hausa too" She added and he nodded.

"Okay mummy. Bye bye, the driver must be waiting" with that said by him, he ran off and ran towards the mansion where the vehicle which will be taking him to the airport was parked and ready to move.

Anisah not wanting to miss the dismissal of her enemy, ran towards the main gate and stood there to see him leave. The moment the car in which Waleed was driven in arrived at the gate, he requested for the window to be brought down in other to look at Anisah's annoying and warn her.

"I know that i am leaving now, but remember that i shall be back and for your information the house you leave in is my father's house and one day you might leave for good and i will come back here and stay for good. So don't be to happy about me leaving. Goodbye for now!" Immediately he finished speaking he whined up the window and ordered the driver to speed off in other not to hear her annoying voice which he is sure will bore an insult.

"Fool"Anisah said to herself in anger. What an annoying boy Waleed was, she thought.

Waleed on the other hand sat in the vehicle with a magazine in his hand. He was so engrossed in staring at beautiful designed suit which were one of his favorite designers creation. Going to Fashion school has been his dream ever since childhood and he most certainly must achieve it. Though he knows very well that being the only son of Alhaji Usman who happens to be one of the most richest man in Africa most certainly means that he is never going to be able to miss becoming the CEO of Usman's ventures. Where they deal with lands and houses.

"We are here!" The drivers baritone voice startled him and he raised his head only to find an airport parked with a whole lot of vehicles.

"Oh" he mumbled. Just as he was about to step down from the car, he noticed a red ribbon laying on the floor of the car and he picked it up.

"Dudu i think bilkis left her ribbon here" he said referring to his little sister who happens to be Anisah's best friend.

"No it's for Anisah. She must had forgotten it here yesterday when we went to the market" Dudu said.

"Oh" Waleed muttered.

"Bring it. I'll return it to her once I get back home" Dudu said but Waleed nodded in the negative in stead.

"No don't worry, I'll return it once i am back from Paris" Waleed said and dudu nodded. though he knows very well that Waleed will be returning in six years, but what was his business.

Waleed will indeed return the ribbon, but not before insulting her for being careless.

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