chapter thirteen

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She had returned from school at approximately seven hours ago and presently it was 8:06PM but Waleed wasn't back, which was weird because she knew he was a type not to come home at such an hour. But still, people change, she thought while seated on the dinning table with her book before her.

She was studying biology because she had it's exams tomorrow. "Magma" she muttered what was written on her notebook before her. She was enjoying reading biology.

*Ding Dong* the loud sound of the door bell startled her. She sighed knowing it was Waleed. 'Another problem again' she mumbled while walking towards the door which she opened only to meet his ruffled hair and sleepy face staring directly at her. How could a person this breathtakingly handsome be so rude and arrogant. She thought.

"Can you move your irritating body out of my way?" He said in all level of arrogance to her.

"Sorry" she mumbled while taking some steps backwards to let him pass.

"Rubbish, my house is even smelling.
Are you sure you sanitised my house today?" He asked walking towards the center table that stood in the middle of the livingroom.

"Yes I did" it took allot in her not to curse at him.

"Incase you don't know, this is not your dirty house. This is my house and I want everything kept clean" he kept speaking.

"I cleaned the house, I mopped it and I even sprayed room fresher. And I don't even smell anything" Anisah said in a high frequency of calmness.

"That's because you are very dirty. You are lucky your mum is like a mother figure to me, if not for that I would have insulted to your filthy home" Waleed said. He didn't know why, but his hatred for her had heightened to an abnormal rate. Maybe it was because he felt like she was the only one who talked to him rudely, yeah maybe that was the cause. He hated how fierce she was, to him a lady is supposed to be calm and respectful but her, she was rude and annoying. Right from the very first day he knew her, she was ARROGANT.
Or maybe it was because of the disturbing news he had received tonight.

"No need, You just did" Anisah said blinking the tears in her eyes as she immediately ran into the kitchen. Waleed on the other hand did not care, he found great joy in seeing her cry. At least that was what he thought.

He walked upstairs with his coat clutching on his shoulder. His head was hurting terribly, he needed to rest.

Anisah on the other hand sat on the floor in the kitchen, crying terribly. Her life was playing right before her eyes. Yes she knew she was from a poor home, but never in her life was she insulted about it. Waleed had really pushed a tear button in her heart. She wept her eyes out that night.

Waleed on the other hand, was seated on his bed and making a call that got him more worried.

"How is he now?" He asked the person on the other end.

"he is getting better" the person responded.

"Make sure nothing happens to him please, tomorrow inshallah, unfailing I'll be there" he said and the person uttered a thank you before hanging up. His head was heavy and the only thought in it was that of luqman's health.


The next chapter of the morning was opened with Waleed screaming the name of Anisah who was laying in the kitchen where she had fallen asleep yesterday.

"ANISAH" this time he used her actuall name and not the normal way he usually refereed to her with 'witch'. She got up swiftly from the floor in terror, her body was already shaking because of the way he had called her name. What could be wrong, he thought.

"Na'am" Anisah found herself responding to his calls. She immediately ran into the livingroom where she had found him standing with great anger lacing his facials.

"You thief" he said in very venomous tone while taking some steps towards her.

"Excuse me?" She found herself responding.

"Where did you put it?, You better give it or else I'll make sure you spend your life in jail" he said Calmly in a very serious tone.

"Put what?" She asked. She was extremely confused.

"I know you took the diamonds from my studio. Give it to me" he said and Anisah immediately scrunched her nose in confusion.

"I don't know what you are speaking of. What diamonds?, I don't even enter your studio" she said.

"Anisah you are joking with me, I promise you'll regret it if you do not return it" He said crossing his arm across his chest.

"I can't believe you'll call me a thief, we grew up together and you must know me well by now that I'll never do such a thing" he was making her feel like crying once again.

"People change" he said.

"And so have you, it's just that yours is from bad to worst" she said.

"Anisah I don't have time for jokes. Return the diamonds now" he said, stretching his hands forward.

"I did not take it" she said.

"For goodness sake Anisah. You were the only one at home, who would have taken the diamonds which I left here. Anisah you better give it to me now, I have searched everywhere and I am certain you took it" he paused "Are your family suffering so much that you have to steal, what a shame. You have been born into this word as a mess. Even your eye color is wrong" he said making another Marathon of tears roll down her eyes.

"It's enough" she raised her hand in the air "you have insulted me enough. Please spare my family. Why would I steal from the hand that feeds me?. I fool?" Anisah was finding it hard to talk because of the sobs escaping her lips.

"Asalamualaikum, what is going on here?" Usey who had been standing at the door step for quit some seconds said.

"Anisah what is wrong?" He asked but his eyes were gazing at Waleed. Anisah on the other hand couldn't control her tears and decided running upstairs towards her room. To let it all out.

"What did you do to her?" Usey asked taking some steps towards Waleed.

"what brings you here so early?" waleed asked instead.

"You forgot the diamonds for Rathood's design with me last night" with that said by Usey. Waleed knew he had failed big time.

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