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(Y/n) POV
Once introductions to the others were done they all kept questioning me, which I didn't mind too much but it was basically the same as with the teachers.

"Wait so nothing here could kill you?!"
Uraraka asked me with sparkling puppy eyes, they were all sitting on or standing beside couches while I floated.

"Devils can't be killed unless it's by another devil or a goddess. Even then the goddesses, would get a run for their money."
I giggled while they all stared in awe while making slight gawking noises.

"So how big are your boob-!"
The small grape guy was about to ask while Tsu covered his mouth.

"He reminds me of my Captain, pervy and I would throw though hell and back if I was allowed."
I glared at the guy who went completely dead for a few moments at my words.
Though the rest of the group laughed with me.

Bakugo yelled again, though he was being hushed and held back by his class mates.

"I would say I'd dare you all to try me, but that would result in a lot of injuries on your part. Granted I could heal you all but I would rather not break your teachers rule."
I shrugged while the rest of the class agreed, though Bakugo didn't exactly seem satisfied.

"Shouldn't you all be asleep?"
I questioned looking at a wall clock they had.

"She's right! It's way past curfew! We should have been a better example for our guest!"
Iida said while the rest of the class sighed.

"I didn't mean that in a bad way, my team stays up and drinks till dawn almost every night."
They all glanced back up at me now.


They all questioned in unison while I rolled my eyes and continued doing flips in mid air.
"Theres more than one of you?"
Iida asked while trying to look as composed as possible as he spoke.

"Seven Deadly Sins, there's 9 of us but you know how that goes. There's Ban the sin of greed, Merlin sin of Gluttony, King the sin of Sloth, Diane the sin of Envy, Gowther the sin of lust, Meliodas the sin of wrath, Escanor the sin of pride, Elizabeth who isn't a sin but she's my Captains girlfriend who's a goddess, and then there's me the sin of seduction."

I explained while they all tried to keep track of my words.
"So why is that your sin?"
Todoroki questioned finally speaking up he didn't really talk much from what I could tell.

"Merlin gave us our sins, mines mostly because I have a 'silver tongue' from what she's said. Plus I can stop an army on my own if I wanted to just by talking to them."
Shrugging, their faces dropped again before Iida ushered them all upstairs.

They all were complaining but I just didn't want to listen anymore, Iida basically had to drag them anyways.

"Guess I can check out the place."
I sighed thinking out loud, and flying out of the dorms.
When I reached outside my wings flared behind my back and my eyes went black.
I didn't see fit to show my claws or my mark so I didn't as I flew around the area.

It was almost completely lit up with a bunch of buildings and cars everywhere.
"Well this is new."
Again thinking out loud I flew lower down to a more secluded area in the city.

Though I did see a bunch of people being cornered by a man.
They all looked scared but they weren't screaming very loudly.
Flying down lower I got a better look at the guy.

He had black hair and stitches covering around his torso.
He was chuckling to himself while the people were pleading for their lives.

"Well I guess I should make this quick."
He sighed to himself, I was low enough to hear his words through the screaming people.

Blue fire burned through his hands as it went flying towards the people.
Their screams and pleads were at its loudest now, and it was starting to give me a headache.

"Full Counter."

I sighed flying in front of the people and sending the flames back to the man.
Various 'thank you's and cries came from the people, though I was more worried about the man.

"I'll heal you, but you come with me though yea?"

I questioned while he opened his eyes barley and nodded as well as he could.
He was burned to a crisp now with his scared skin being almost pitch black and his regular skin looking like the scars from before.
Basically all of his body was burned badly now which was certainly a sight to see.

His body glowed for a minute with my hand placed on his chest before he was fully healed.

"All of you, get out of here please."
I said back while all the people were cheering still behind me.

"Wait what's your name?!!"
One of them asked while I sighed to myself and held the patch worked man in my arms.

"(Y/n), now please get going. I don't want any of you getting hurt."
I said simply while they all started towards us, I flew up with the man still in my arms as they looked up in awe.

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