Lights (Fluff)

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Two years.

It had been two years since Norman and Emma had started dating and their two-year anniversary was approaching tomorrow.

Norman wanted to make it special for Emma; he wanted the both of them to have the night of their lives. Ever since they started dating, he swore to himself that he would make Emma the happiest girl in the world. He wanted to fulfill all of her desires and shower her with all the love contained within him.

However, Norman had this habit of keeping the nervousness and uneasiness deep inside of him, because those traits were the last things that he wanted Emma to see.

So, Norman tended to his supreme love advisor and ultimate wingman, Ray, for his assistance.

“How do you want to spend your two-year anniversary with her?” Ray asked him.

“I…want the two of us to openly talk about everything, with lights all around us… and the atmosphere must be warm, cozy and quiet...m-maybe a soft piano playing in the background…and also… I want us to kiss-” Norman, extremely embarrassed muttered as he played with his fingers.

“Pfft, you are such a goofball.” Ray chuckled as he ruffled his hair.

“A-Anyway, Do you know a place like this…?” Norman said flustered as he covered his face. “My mind is blank...!”

“Hmm…You could take her to my mom’s restaurant, ‘La Grace’” Ray said with a small smile. “I could ask her to excuse tommorow so there are no other people except you two.”

“Ray… Are you sure?” Norman’s eyes widened. “This is too big a favour, I-“

“Shut up and appreciate the brotherly love I have for you.” Ray said as he crossed his arms. “I want you and Emma to be happy. That’s all.”

“Ray…Thank you so much!” Norman gave Ray a wide smile as his eyes sparkled with joy.

“Yeah, yeah… and you better wear something good. Or else” Ray scoffed.

“Yes Sir!” Norman said as he saluted.

It took a little time but Norman finally had the outfit he needed. The anniversary was tomorrow, yet the uneasy feeling didn’t wear off. The butterflies in his stomach fluttered more than he wanted, making him feel nauseous.

He decided to give Emma a call before he slept.


“Oh Hello Norman!” Emma’s cheerful voice chirped through the phone.

“H-Hi, Emma..” Norman shyly said. “Are you ready for tomorrow?”

“I sure am! How about you, darling?” Emma giggled. “Feeling nervous right?”

It was scary how accurately Emma read his emotions, no matter how much he tried to hide it.

“U-Uh..Yeah, a l-little bit..” Norman hesitantly laughed.

“Norman. I promise its going to be amazing, okay? It doesn’t matter where we spend it, as long as we’re together right?” Emma said softly. “So please don’t be nervous baby.”

“Y-Yeah.. You’re right.” Norman sighed in satisfaction. He felt his nerves calm down. “Goodnight dear.”

“Goodnight! Sleep well!” Emma said as she blew a kiss through the phone and hung up.

Oh, he did.

He soundly slept, thinking about how him and Emma were going to be clinking their wine glasses together, heartily laughing and having the time of their lives. Did he ever manage to kiss her in that dream…?

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