The Furry Green Intruder

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Authors note ~  This is for you Ayeh <3


It's the middle of the night on a cold Christmas eve, the world is at peace until...
CRASH! I hear muffled grunts from down stairs and ornaments smashing on the tile. I reluctantly get out from under the covers, goosebumps appearing on my body. I'm only in my red lacy panties, so I wouldn't be very intimidating to a potential intruder. I reach for my bat under the bed, the wood surprisingly colder than normal. I tiptoe out the door, peeking around the corner, then continue carefully down the creaky stairs. I reach the bottom step and quietly creep into the living room where the noise is more prominent. Standing in front of the fireplace, shoving my Christmas tree up the chimney is a mysterious furry figure. I creep towards the figure, my bat raised over my shoulder poised to strike. I begin to swing, but the figure turns around and I stop.

"What ya got there big boy?" He mutters to me. I look at what I'm holding and realize I'm holding my 13 inch glass dildo. I drop it out of fear and surprisingly it doesn't break on the floor. "Uhh.. h- wh- who are you and what are you doing in my house!?" I stutter and finally manage to make a coherent statement. He gives me a menacing grin, "I am the Grinch. And what are you doing up so late in that sexy red getup you've got going on there?" I turn my head away from the intruder and blush. "I still need to know what you're doing here in my house, Mr. Grinch." I'm flustered at his comment on my panties but I need him to leave. "And why are you shoving my Christmas tree up the chimney for?" He looks at me with those smoldering eyes and admits that he's stealing it. "And that's not the only thing I'll be stealing tonight." "Is that so Mr. Grinch?"

"Tell me your name you fat sexy little man." "Danny, Mr. Grinch." He smiles at me, and begins to inch closer. I'm a little intimidated, but the furry green man has this charming appeal to him that I can't resist. He comes close enough to smell him, and he smells like old onions and dog breath. His scent arouses me. He notices and mutters into my ear "little trash man.." I look up into his little beady eyes and see the desire there. The desire for me.

Mr. Grinch drags his hairy green hand up my body. He runs his hand through my chest hair and twirls his fingers in it. Finally his hands make his way to my face and he tugs on my moustache, pulling my face in closer for a tender kiss. I'm surprised at first. His hairy green face tickling mine. I close my eyes and kiss him back. Mr. Grinch let's his hand wander down to my lower half. I let out a squeal of surprise as Mr. Grinch manhandles my balls. Mr. Grinch grins in delight at my discomfort. I look down not wanting to make eye contact. Suddenly he violently grabs my face and wrenches it back towards him, growling "look me in the eyes as I fondle you." He let's go and my face feels slightly tender from where he grabbed me. Unwrapping his hand from beneath me, he once again drags his hands up me and places them on my shoulders. Mr. Grinch pushes me slowly to my knees. "Stay, trash kitten." I know something is coming.

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