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"So, school from Monday. I can't believe we are going to graduate in another year" I pondered on.

We were lounging lazily around the pool at Hazel's place. Her family was pretty rich considering both her parents were surgeons. So they have a really big house with a hot water pool, the place we hang out mostly.

I squinted my eyes across the bright light as I looked over the pool. It was beautiful. The glow lights at the bottom danced on the water making different patterns. The small artificial waterfall at the corner turned the silent late dusk atmosphere into a serene musical one.

Sipping onto the cola, lying on the comfortable pool chairs and making each other laugh with our silly stories. This is life.

"I wish I had a boyfriend. The only missing piece right now,"  sighed Clover. "Why can't I find one. I want to know," she added as she dangled her legs into the water.

Hmmm..I want to do that too. But was it worth getting up, walking there, sitting down and ultimately burning about ten calories? Nah...My laziness overpowred everything else right now.

"Because you have been crushing on that football player since umm... forever. Because you turn down every guy who asks you out and because you don't have enough guts to walk upto him and ask him out yourself," Clover counted off the reasons on her fingers as Hazel kept shooting them.

"He doesn't even know my name. Wait. He doesn't even know I exist! How am I going to ask him out?" Hazel mumbled sadly.

"I think we should go to their parties to begin with," I replied sipping the last of my cola with big slurping noise.

Wait. What? Did I just say we should attend parties?

My eyes bulged in realisation. Clover gave me are-you-insane look while Hazel was another completely different story. Her eyes twinkled with excitement. Oh god. What have I done.

"We should go to the parties!" Hazel jumped in excitement.

"No. We shan't." Clover and I replied in unison.

"But it was your idea" Hazel wined pointing her finger at me.

"I haven't said anything," I replied in a monotonous voice walking to sit down beside Clover and soak my feet in the pool.

"You've got nothing against us," Clover sided me on this. You go girl.

"Aren't you supposed to support me? Dont you want Dylan to ask you out?" Hazel tried persuading Clove to take her side.

Clover looked like she was having an internal battle while Hazel and I looked and her hopefully. Her decision was vital in settling this argument. Please Clover, say no.



"No" Clover replied confidently.

Thank god. It's not like we hate partying. In fact, we love partying.

But the parties that happen around here are filled with people who fake everything. Partying would mean letting go of everything and having fun. It would mean un-faking. But here the girls act drunk to score guys, who are actually drunk. I don't really get the point.

"We are in our senior year.  We should go to parties. How are we going to score guys for prom. What are we going to tell our kids?" Hazel tried persuading us.

Suddenly music started blaring from the next house. Looks like the our football captain is throwing his infamous 'back to school' party.

Every year Zach Tyson, captain of the football team, star quarterback, the guy with ego the size of a mountain, throws a party to mark the beginning of a new school year. Everyone is invited. EVERYONE.

"We could have been there right now," Hazel mumbled staring sadly at the house that was reverberating with bass.

"Puppy dog eyes won't get you anywhere," Clover snickered.

Hazel who was already in distress gave her a stink eye and pushed her into the pool. And Clover being sadist she is dragged me into the water with her. Damn it. I am all wet. Okay it wasn't that bad considering the water wasn't cold. But being thrown into into a pool without consent can be frustrating.

"Karma is a bitch!" Hazel screamed laughing as she walked through the glass door to get herself another can of soda.

"You are going to pay for this" I yelled getting out of the pool, my hair stuck to my face.

As I removed my top and started drying my hair I heard whistlong from behind me, "I would pay to see these strippers," I heard a guy speak.

I guess me screaming got the attention of the neighbours. There were around five guys perched on the wall eying me and Clove.

"Why don't you come over and give us a private show," the one and only Zachary smirked.

I won't lie. He is gorgeous. His green eyes reflecting the lights of the pool. His perfectly messed up hair. That perfect physique. Drool worthy. But his ego and cockiness just dampers everything.

"Fuck off," was what I said giving him a birdie.

"This one is fiesty." He laughed taking a swing from the beer can he was holding.

"The party isn't only for Princetown high. Even others are invited" Dylan winked at Clove.

Clove who was literally drooling at Shawn till that second was now taken aback.

"We go to the same school jackass," she replied haughtly and started walking back into the house.

Clover ain't respecting you if you ain't respecting her.

"Hey black bikini. Dont leave. Tell me your name," Leon yelled at the retreating Clove in a mocking voice.

"How come you missed my eye when we go to the same school?"

Zack questioned looking at every part of me except my face.

"Because your nose is always high up in the air. Because you are an ass. Because I have no interest in having a conversation with someone like you," I replied already following Clove into the house.

"The red bra sure look good on you Miss Fiesty," he yelled back. 

I turned around with a fake smile to wave at him. Only I waved with

my middle finger. 

I cannot believe that I just had a really weird conversation with Mr.I-am-Awesome dressed in nothing but my innerwear. What is wrong with me? Oh I know. It's my sugar level. Haven't had my dose of chocolates for the day.


A/N: Hey guys, we wanna know if you ever did something for people you dont know. Were you any anyone's fruit loop girl? ♡ Let us know.

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Love xxx


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