vii ➤ all i ask

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The Enchanted Forest

What Calypso had told Killian Jones that night all those months ago was indeed true — her situation had not changed. In fact, it had worsened drastically. And she wants to kick herself every time that he crosses her mind. Over half a year since she met the pirate and he's still an ever present visitor in her mind. In her dreams. And in her heart.

Yet as much as her heart aches for the pirate that she was oh so close to dropping her life for, she aches for other reasons. Milah, her own mother, has grown increasingly violent toward her. Taking every opportunity to lash out, whether with her words or her fists.

Calypso is a mess of nerves. Always looking over her shoulder. Always flinching away. Anxiety spiking whenever a voice raises. Always ducking away anytime something flies too close to her head. She's hypersensitive to the sound sand actions around her. Cali is paranoid every moment that she breaths and she doesn't know how long she can take it.

There are definitely better days, but more often than not are the bad days. Days when she has to wear longer sleeves. Days where people see her in thin scarves because it's the only way she can cover the bruises decorating her neck.

Calypso starts taking Baelfire with her when she works in the market, and even when she takes shifts at the pub, after he fully healed. And to the small boy, it's a magical place. One where soldiers and armies pass through on their way to war. A place of mixed cultures and thieves and people that always seem to smile. Where who you are and who you know doesn't mean a thing unless you need it for an advantage. A place that doesn't look down on a sixteen year old daughter of a drunk and a coward.

Plus, Bae has friends in their small port city. But Calypso doesn't take him for the fun, she doesn't want anything to happen to him when she's not home to protect him. Even if Milah would dare to touch her favorite child.

Cali smiles as she hands over a pair of spools to another merchant for a dozen eggs before turning to check on Bae. The boy is running around between the crowds after a ball with half a dozen boys chasing after him. She thanks the woman before yelling out that she has wools and colored wools for sale. Several older woman swarm her for a few moments as they pick out the colors they like best and hand Cali multiple rusted coins. Another trader waves her over and hands her a half bag of flour before picking out a pair of spools.


Calypso's head twists to see Bae red in the face and panting heavily.


He's practically vibrating with excitement, and his hands move as he explains.

"There's a pirate ship coming into port! And it's huge! Can I go with my friends-"

"Bae, I don't think-"

"Please! Everyone else is going!"


"Please, Cal?"

And there are those pleading, brown eyes that she can't ever say no to.

"Fine! Just be careful, don't get in anybody's way. And do not go onto any of the docks!"

"I promise!"

STUCK IN MY HEAD ── killian jonesWhere stories live. Discover now