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The ship docks in Florida and I stand outside of the Duke suite waiting for the passenger's arrival

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The ship docks in Florida and I stand outside of the Duke suite waiting for the passenger's arrival. I am dressed in a very different uniform. More expensive looking like the ones you see in the movies.

Amelio the chef of the suite greets me as he enters and I do the very same. He makes his way to the kitchen to start preparing himself for whatever meal the passenger desires for the night.

Before I know it the sound of the main door swinging open and voices emerging from inside drags me from my ocean gaze.

"Miss Anderson and Chef Amelio please come." Mister Steph calls to us and I step inside and move towards the direction of the voices.
I see Amelio shaking the passenger's hand but I only see the hand of the passenger confirming that this person is a male.

As I get closer Mister Steph greets me and introduces me to a tall young man who could give Greek gods a run for their money. Dark, silky hair adorn my eyes, slicked back to perfection and complimenting the grey orbs that I subtly make contact with. Tan skin graces his body looking almost artificial as the dim light illuminates him. The temptation of bringing my hand up to touch his plump lips bothers me however I contain myself as I should. His face is void of any emotions giving away the impression of him being a cut throat businessman and is here for business or just to take a break.

Only a person who has encountered all types of 'rich' folks can skilfully decipher what one's career path might be and this man right here is undoubtedly a CEO.

If I'm wrong then I guess I'm not skilled enough.

A fine gray suit sits on his sculpted figure and even though I can't see his body I can tell that it is gorgeous. His stance exudes energy of power which disgustingly looms over the room.

"Jax this is your waitress Noah Anderson. She will bring you all your meals necessary for the day and assist you." Mister Steph tells the man whose name is Jax. I nod at the mention of my name trying to maintain my cool in the presence of someone as intimidating as him.

"Nice to meet you sir." I shake his hand feeling the powerful aura radiating off him like waves and slide my palm away as fast as I can depriving myself from his touch a minute more.

"Like wise miss Anderson." the words dance off his tongue with grace, arm in arm with a bitter partner. His gaze reeks of disinterest scrutinizing me in his presence.

At least just smile Jax.

"Alright I should get going Mister Hudson." Mister Steph turns to Jax "Noah and Amelio will take good care of you." he says before swiftly leaving.


I've heard that name before or at least seen it.



Jax Hudson.

I start to piece it together.

This man standing in front of me is the Jax Hudson of the Hudson X Enterprises.

I've read so much about this man but never seen him in real life at least. I have to say the cameras don't necessarily pick up on all his handsomeness. The last time I saw him in the newspaper he had longer hair which was ages ago hence not remembering how he looks exactly.

I excuse myself from the room and enter the kitchen where Amelio is.

Soon Ja-Mister Hudson wanders into the kitchen ridden of his blazer and stripped down to his white blouse. The first two buttons are undone and his burly chest on display plays tag with my breath. I roll my eyes at my patheticness, can't I stay a virgin in the vicinity of hot men?

"I'm thinking breakfast for dinner. Surprise me." he says to Amelio without even addressing him then walks right out. The arrogance that came in with him forgets to leave and I roll my eyes at such an ego.


Can he be less of a rich man much?

I can't believe I was actually hoping that this anonymous passenger would be different.

Guess I was wrong.

The only thing I'm worried about is having to serve this jerk his food.

Who knows maybe I'll spike him.

Then get fired from my job.

I erase those horrible thoughts from my head and admire Amelio for the past ten minutes until I get bored.

"Do you actually love your job?" I ask Amelio boldly just out of curiosity. He seems like he enjoys what he does. I really don't know why I asked such a question.

"Of course Noah. I love cooking that's why I'm a chef." he tells me while emphasizing his last sentence to make me feel dumb. Well, I'm not sure it was his intention but he made me feel a little dull with his statement.

"Shutup Amelio you know what I mean." I roll my eyes at him.

"I really don't." he stops cutting the onions and looks at me and I can tell he genuinely has no idea.

Are men really that dumb?

"When you have to deal with people like him don't you hate your job a little?" I ask quietly.

"My job is cooking Noah, once I get the food right that's it." he replies honestly and I smile at his response.

Maybe they aren't that dumb.

"And on that note my job here is done." Amelio says with excitement while loading on the dish onto the platter.

"Ugh now it's my turn." I sigh picking up the tray and make my way towards the sitting area. Mister Hudson is no where to be found so I go to his room where I find him. He's laying on the bed still in his blouse but this time it is half way unbuttoned.

He knows that I have to bring his meal can't he just cover his body?

His eyes are closed and his brows are furrowed like he's thinking about something hard. Not wanting to disturb him from whatever he's doing I enter the room and rest the tray on a table in the corner of the room. Just as I am about to leave glad that I didn't have to speak to him a throat is cleared.


"Don't you knock miss Anderson?" his voice is sharp and I jolt, turning slowly as if I've actually been caught doing something wrong.

"I saw you laying down, I didn't want to disturb you." I say truthfully in a soft tone sounding weaker than I intended to.

He slowly gets up from the bed and walks toward me holding the doorknob while I stand in the door way.

"I'm a business man miss Anderson. I have a lot at stake and when people sneak up on me it gives me the wrong impression. Makes me think that I can't trust them, next time try knocking the damn door." he says warning me with his grey globes.

"I'm sorry." I apologize.

"Now leave." he demands rudely and I furrow my brows in shock by his absurd manners then turn away and leave.

Where did his parents raise him?

Probably in hell.

His door slams behind me and I jump at the loud noise.

God help me I'm truly living with the devil for the next month.

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