Chapter Two

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She was late.

Later than she'd anticipated.

But the sun basking on her skin had been exactly what she needed that morning after her peace being taken from her so abruptly the day before.

A moment to be herself. A moment of peace before the horror of the Council she knew she would have to endure that night. A break from the daily quells of being Queen of Promise.

She'd allowed the Belwark guard, Corbin, to accompany her instead of Lex on that morning. She'd allowed him the indulgence of continued pleasure from the day before. The water had glistened on his dark skin as he took her roughly against the cliff walls, and then again when he'd splayed her legs open on the sand like a snack. She could feel the marks on her shoulder blades and on her butt from the rock defacing her skin.

"Queen Aydra!" came a woman's voice as she ran down the hall. "My Queen—you're late," the Dreamer woman, Willow, was saying.

Aydra shoved her bracelet off her arm and began stripping in the hall as she walked with little care to who might be coming down it. "I am aware, Willow."

"Your brother sent for you—"

Aydra tossed her tunic over her head and into the Dreamer's outstretched arms. One of the Belwarks walked by then, to which she gave him a small smile as he looked her figure over. "I'm aware," she repeated, winking at the Belwark and continuing to walk down the hall. "Please inform my brother I'll be but a few minutes late. He can start without me." She pulled her linen pants off, nearly tripping on the legs, and she tossed them in Willow's arms. "Is my dress ready?" she asked.

"I left it on your bed," Willow answered.

Aydra pulled the clip out of her hair as they ascended the last set of stairs, and she gave her messy hair a fluff, allowing it to wave in the air behind her. She wasn't surprised when she saw the young prince, Dorian, coming down from his own bedroom

"Whoa— No one told me we were streaking before banquet," he said as she passed him, his widened round blue eyes searing through her. "Nice suit, sister," the dark haired teen said with a wink at Aydra.

Aydra attempted and failed at a look of disgust towards him, and ended up biting back a knowing smile on her lips. "Grow up, Dorian," she said as she smacked the back of his head. "You're disgusting."

"Fearless and annoying would better suit me, I think," he grinned.

"The favored family traits," she called back to him.

She turned her attention back to Willow as they reached the top of the steps. "Please go to the Chamber and let my brother know of what I asked. I will be there momentarily."

Willow stopped and gave her a nod outside her bedroom door. "Yes, my queen."

Her door slammed behind her when she entered. Her feet flapped on the floor as she crossed the grand stone room to her four-poster bed. The black linens draped around the top and wound around the wide wooden posts. The dress laying on her bed made her lips purse.

Leave it to her brother to pick out the dress she hated the most for her to wear.

Powder blue. Frilly. Conservative.

Aydra flung it out of her window and went to her wardrobe.

Color. Color. Color.


She was feeling confident that day. Her dark golden freckles were radiating on her skin. She could see them popping off her cheeks when she looked in the mirror. The pure steel color of her upwards turned wide eyes reminded her of the rocks the castle was made from.

Dead Moons Rising, first in the Honest Scrolls seriesWhere stories live. Discover now