Oikawa x Playboy! Male Reader

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💔 / ☁️
heheh flattykawa needs a lil heartbreak too <3
someone requested this but for the love of god I can't find the request/username- so sorry! you know who you are 🥺
presented by: #ripoikawaplushies and #stopoikawaplushieabuse (also this low key hot pic of oikawa-)

💔 / ☁️heheh flattykawa needs a lil heartbreak too <3 someone requested this but for the love of god I can't find the request/username- so sorry! you know who you are 🥺presented by: #ripoikawaplushies and #stopoikawaplushieabuse (also this low ke...

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"Oikawa, I know you like me, but maybe close your mouth when you stare. You wouldn't want flies getting in there~"

Oikawa blushed and quickly shut his mouth. "S-Shut up (M/N)-chan!" He whined. (M/N) laughed and took off his uniform blazer, swapping it out for a casual leather jacket. "What's with the get up?" Oikawa asked as he tightly gripped the strap of his gym bag.

"While you, my dear friend, are at volleyball," (M/N) answered with a smile, fixing his hair. "I will be going on a date with a dear friend of mine."

Oikawa grimaced. 'Unsurprising,' he thought. He looked down at the ground. 'Will I be another one of your toys that won't work out?'
Oikawa glanced at the boy next to him again. He had had a crush on (M/N) (L/N) since their first year, ever since the first day they met. Oikawa remembered when Iwaizumi couldn't stop laughing and teasing Oikawa about it. (M/N) knew about Oikawa's crush on him; he had found out at the end of their second year. However, (M/N) was the school playboy - he went on dates with any girl or boy that showed interest, slept with a few of them. So while he knew Oikawa was interested in him, he never addressed it. He just kept on with his ways.

Oikawa was not a shy person, not in the slightest. But around (M/N), he felt.. vulnerable. So, that's why he openly asked, "If the date doesn't go well, mind picking me up from practice? I know a place we can go~" with his usual smooth, casual flirtatiousness. But on the inside, he was shaking with anxiety.

(M/N) looked at Oikawa and grinned. "Sure thing, doll," he said with a chuckle. "You know how some of these girls are - she'll probably be begging to sleep with me in a hot minute."

Oikawa cringed, but kept a fake smile. "And I'm guessing you'll be saying no?"

(M/N) shrugged and held his hands up. "Depends~" he cooed. They reached the gym, Oikawa's stop, and looked at each other. "See ya around, doll."

"Y-Yeah, see ya," Oikawa said with a slight blush. (M/N) smiled and ruffled the brunette's hair, then turned and walked away. Oikawa sighed softly and smiled, imprinting the feeling of (M/N)'s hand on his head. 'Moron..' he thought to himself as he ignored Iwaizumi yelling at him for almost being late.

When practice ended that night, Oikawa really did hope and pray that (M/N) would be there at the front gate in his (F/C) car, music blasting through the windows. Oikawa wanted it to be like those movies, where he and (M/N) drive around on the empty streets and highways with some romantic song playing, and then they have a sweet kiss at a stop light. He just wanted time with him.

So you can imagine the way his heart broke when he saw an empty parking lot at the Seijoh entrance.

"Hey Crappykawa, why are you just standing there?" Iwaizumi asked as he joined Oikawa at the gate.

Haikyuu x Male! Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now