Five Hargreeves

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So this is another story for you guys technically I have a little bit more time before I go to sleep so I just logged into my phone and went to my notes where I kinda made stories before I figured out how to show them to the world so yea😂👀 anywho continue.

"Children, meet Number 8. She is your sister now and you will treat her like your sister." Sir Reginald said looking up from his plate of food. "Hi, I'm Number 8, you can also call me Y/n." You said while walking into the room.

"Hi Y/n, I'm Klaus." Klaus says while looking at you.

"Hi Y/n, I'm Allison." Allison said standing up and walking over to where you were to hug you.

"Okay that's enough talking, everyone is excused from the table." Reginald said standing up and walking away.

"Hi Y/n, I'm Five, it's nice to meet you." Five says walking over to you.

"Hi Five, it's nice to meet you to." You said looking at Five.

"Hey guys, we should have a sleepover and get to know more about Y/n!" Allison said running to the stairs.

"Sounds great to me!" You said running after Allison.

You all race up the stairs and go to Allison's room.

"We should watch a movie what do you guys think?" Luther said sitting down on Allison's bed.

"Y/n dosen't look like the scary movie type at all. But a scary movie sounds great!" Five said looking up at you.

"As a matter a fact, I love scary movies." You said looking at Five crossing your arms.

"Okay, sorry. I guess tuff girl can take a scary movie." Five said standing up walking towards you.

"Yea, I'm not a baby but thanks. Anyways let's get this movie started!" You said grabbing a blanket and sitting on the floor.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Five said sitting down next to you, looking you in the eyes.

"I mean it's not taken, so sure." You said looking at Five then back at the TV.

Luther stood up and started the movie called "Us". Halfway into the movie you start to get tired, but all of a sudden there was a jump scare.

"Ahhh!" You scream in a high pitch tone while digging your face into Fives chest.

"Love scary movies huh?" Five said looking down at you and smirking.

"Yea I do!" You said pulling away from Five blushing.

"Yea sure." Five said laughing a little.

"Aww, Y/n has a crush on Five." Luther said looking at Diego and Klaus.

"Aww, how cute." Diego says laughing.

"How adorable, you know, you guys should totally date." Klaus says looking at you and Five.

"You know dad wouldn't allow that." Vanya says while looking at Klaus.

"Don't worry I don't really like him anyways." You say whilst still blushing.

"We will see about that." Five said, as if he was almost threatening you.

"What's that supposed to mean five." Luther said looking at Five.

"You'll just have to find out." Five said looking at Luther then back at you.

One hour into the movie you fall asleep, which makes you fall to the ground. Five sits you up on the floor, then lays your head down on his lap.

"Make sure dad dosen't walk in while Y/n is sleeping on your lap. Thats all I'm gonna say." Vanya says looking at Five.

"I'm not afraid of dad Vanya, I think I'm fine." Five said looking up at Vanya.

Once the movie was over Five picked you up and took you to your room, setting you down on your bed, then getting in the bed with you. Soon Five fell asleep after snuggling up next to you.

In the morning

"Five?" You said while sitting up in your bed.

*Still asleep*

"Why do you look much calmer sleeping?" You said under your breath.

"Morning sunshine." Five said sitting up.

"Sunshine? Your the sleeping beauty here." You said nudging Five.

"Say that again and you'll regret it." Five said glaring at you.

"Will I? Sleeping beauty?" You said while laughing.

"You left me no choice." Five said while grabbing you by the waist and tickling you.

"H-hah, hah-ha, F-ive hah sto-p!" You said while laughing.

Before Five could say anything you teleported out of the room.

"Five, come here." You said in a slightly frightened tone.

"What just happened? Dad never told us you had powers." Five said looking at you confused.

"That's because I didn't want you to know. Y/n's powers are far beyond powerful, if she ever uses them out of anger people will die Number Five."

"What do you mean her powers are far beyond powerful, she can only spatial jump like me right?" Five said confused.

"No she has more than just one, she can read minds, she has telekinesis, and she can project off of others powers like you."
Reginald said in a light voice.

"Yea, he kinda told me not to tell you about my powers, but I swear I didn't know I could project off of others powers."
You said to Fives face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Five said sounding mad.

"Like I said dad told me not to tell anyone about my powers Five." You said looking away from Five.

"It's fine." Five said looking at Reginald and then back at you.

This is all I had down in my notes for this story so if you want me to continue I shall continue to write this story😆😁

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